36-401. HUNTING, TRAPPING, FISHING — LICENSE REQUIREMENT — EXCEPTIONS. No person shall hunt, trap, or fish for or take any wild animal, bird or fish of this state, without first having procured a license as hereinafter provided. Provided that no license shall be required: (a) 1. For children under the age of fourteen (14) years […]
36-402. LICENSES — AUTHORITY — LIMITATIONS — CONFIDENTIALITY. The licenses mentioned in this chapter shall entitle the person to whom issued to take such wildlife as may be authorized by said license, subject to the limitations set forth under this title and commission regulations promulgated pursuant thereto. Except as otherwise provided by law relating to […]
36-403. EXPIRATION DATES — LICENSES, TAGS AND PERMITS. (a) Annual Licenses — Tags and Permits. All annual hunting and fishing licenses shall expire December 31 of the year for which they are valid. Trapping licenses shall expire on June 30 next following date of issuance. All tags and permits issued pursuant to the provisions of […]
36-404. CLASSES OF LICENSES. The licenses required by the provisions of this title shall be of eight (8) classes. Classes one (1) through five (5) and eight (8) in this section may be purchased or obtained only by persons who meet residency requirements under the provisions of section 36-202(s) and (t), Idaho Code, or who […]
36-405. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE — DUPLICATE LICENSE — UNLAWFUL PURCHASE, POSSESSION, AND USE OF LICENSE. (a) Application Required. 1. Any person making application for a senior resident license, or resident license shall provide his Idaho driver’s license number as proof of residence, or in the case of nondrivers, other suitable proof of residency, and state […]
36-406. RESIDENT FISHING, HUNTING AND TRAPPING LICENSES — FEES. (a) Adult Licenses — Combination — Fishing — Hunting — Trapping. A license of the first class may be had by a person possessing the qualifications therein described on payment of a fee as specified in section 36-416, Idaho Code, for a combined fishing and hunting […]
36-406A. TWO POLE PERMIT. The commission is authorized to promulgate rules specifying seasons and waters where a resident or nonresident may purchase a permit authorizing the person to use two (2) poles on waters that have been designated as "two pole" waters by commission rule subject to payment of a fee as specified in section […]
36-407. NONRESIDENT COMBINATION, FISHING, HUNTING, AND TRAPPING LICENSES — FEES — RIGHTS UNDER. Licenses of the sixth class shall be issued to nonresidents in the several kinds and for fees as follows: (a) Nonresident Hunting with Three Day Fishing License. A license issued only to a person twelve (12) years of age or older entitling […]
36-408. COMMISSION’S AUTHORITY — TAGS — PERMITS — NONRESIDENTS LIMITED — OUTFITTERS SET-ASIDE. (1) Tags and Permits — Method of Use. The commission is hereby authorized to prescribe the number and kind of wildlife that may be taken under authority of the several types of tags and permits provided for in this title and the […]
36-409. GAME TAGS — PERMITS — FEES — PENALTY. (a) Resident Game Tags. A resident who has obtained authorization to hunt, as provided in section 36-401, Idaho Code, or has purchased or obtained a license to hunt, as provided in section 36-406, Idaho Code, upon payment of the fees provided in this chapter shall be […]
36-409A. DISABLED ARCHERY PROVISIONS. When the commission has established a special archery only season, any individual who is otherwise qualified to participate, shall be allowed to do so with the use of a crossbow if he has a permanent disability whereby he does not have use of one (1) or both of his arms or […]
36-410. STEELHEAD TROUT — ANADROMOUS SALMON PERMITS. No person shall fish for steelhead trout or anadromous salmon except as herein provided: (a) Permits Required — Fee. Any person holding a valid fishing or combined fishing and hunting license of a class and kind mentioned in section 36-406 or in subsections (b) and (i) of section […]
36-411. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION. (a) Hunter education. No hunting license shall be issued to a person born after January 1, 1975, unless the person has previously held a valid hunting license in this or another state or unless such person presents to the department of fish and game or one of its authorized license vendors, […]
36-412. EDUCATION PROGRAMS — INSTRUCTOR QUALIFICATIONS — FEE. (a) The fish and game commission shall prescribe and administer education programs in hunting, trapping and archery. Such programs shall provide instruction in the safe handling of lawful hunting and trapping equipment. The programs shall also include instruction on wildlife and natural resource conservation, good conduct and […]
36-413. LIFETIME LICENSE CERTIFICATE — FEE. (a) The fish and game commission shall issue rules and regulations to administer a lifetime license certificate system. (b) A lifetime license certificate may be sold to any person who qualifies as a resident or is granted resident license privileges as provided in subsection (s) of section 36-202, Idaho […]
36-414. DEPREDATION AND SPORTSMAN ACCESS PROGRAMS — LICENSE ENDORSEMENT. (a) To purchase an annual hunting, fishing, combination or trapping license, a person shall purchase a license endorsement to fund wildlife depredation compensation and prevention, and sportsmen access programs as hereinafter provided. 1. A person purchasing a resident license pursuant to section 36-406 (a) or (f), […]
36-415. DISCOUNTED LICENSE FEES. Upon finding a biological need or public need or unsold licenses, including tags and permits, the commission is authorized to order a discount in fees for specific species, units, areas, zones, or gender as necessary to encourage increased license sales or to encourage hunting, fishing or trapping. The commission is also […]
36-416. SCHEDULE OF LICENSE FEES. As used in this section, "N/A" means "not available." (a) Sport Licenses License Resident Non-Resident Combination License $ 37.00 $ 262.25 Hunting License 14.00 N/A Hunting License with 3 Day Fishing License N/A 183.25 Fishing License 28.75 106.25 Sr. Combination License (65 and Older) 12.00 N/A Sportsman’s Pak License 135.00 […]
36-417. VOLUNTARY DONATION — IDAHO HUNTERS FEEDING THE HUNGRY, INC. An applicant for a resident or nonresident license as provided for in section 36-416, Idaho Code, may make a voluntary donation of one dollar ($1.00) or more to support the activities of Idaho hunters feeding the hungry, inc., an Idaho nonprofit corporation, in conjunction with […]
36-418. PUBLIC SHOOTING RANGE FUND. (1) It is the intent of the legislature that public shooting ranges shall be established and preserved throughout the state for the training and enjoyment of the citizens. (2) The state public shooting range fund is hereby established. The commission shall administer the fund and shall annually prepare a report […]