36-901. FISHING UNLAWFUL EXCEPT BY COMMISSION RULE OR PROCLAMATION. No person shall take by any method or means, at any place or time or in any amount, or to have in possession fish from any of the waters of the state of Idaho except as permitted by provisions of this title and commission rules or […]
36-902. UNLAWFUL FISHING METHODS — DESTRUCTION OF FISH PROHIBITED — EXCEPTIONS. Except as may be otherwise permitted by law or commission rule or proclamation no person shall: (a) Destructive Substances. Deposit, throw, place, allow or cause to pass into any of the waters of this state any deleterious drugs, toxicants, chemicals, poisonous substances, explosives, electrical […]
36-903. CONTROL OR REMOVAL OF UNDESIRABLE FISH. (a) Commission May Authorize Removal or Destruction. In any waters of this state where it is deemed the population of any species of fish is of such density as to be detrimental to the overall fishery resource, the commission may authorize the reduction or removal of such fish. […]
36-905. FISH RACKS OR TRAPS UNLAWFUL EXCEPT BY PERMIT. No person shall place racks or traps or any other obstruction across any of the streams or waters of the state of Idaho in order to take fish for any purpose without first obtaining a permit from the director. No unauthorized person shall tamper with, damage […]
36-906. FISHWAYS IN DAMS — SCREENS IN DIVERSIONS — REMOVAL OF UNUSED DAMS — PENALTY. (a) Fishways Required. No person shall construct or maintain a dam or other obstruction which restricts the free and uninterrupted passage of fish in any stream in this state without a proper fishway therein. Such fishway shall be installed and […]
36-907. OPEN PASSAGE — REPLACEMENT BY DEPARTMENT — MAINTENANCE BY OWNER. When it is determined that any existing or proposed dam or obstruction requires a fishway and none has been installed therein, the director shall keep the same open until said fishway is put therein by the owner. Where a fishway has heretofore been constructed […]
36-908. THE DEPARTMENT IS AUTHORIZED TO ESTABLISH OR MAINTAIN SCREENING DEVICES IN ARTIFICIAL WATERCOURSES. The department may install and maintain screening and bypass devices in any gravity-fed diversion taking or receiving one hundred twenty-five (125) cubic feet of water per second or less from any stream or lake in this state in which fish may […]
36-909. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter relating to fish racks or traps, fishways, fish ladders or screens shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Provided, that the continuance from day to day of the neglect or refusal to correct the violation shall constitute a separate offense for each day. History: […]