39-1001. SEROLOGICAL TEST OF PREGNANT OR RECENTLY-DELIVERED WOMEN. Every licensed physician attending a pregnant woman for a condition relating to her pregnancy, or at delivery, or after delivery for a condition relating to her pregnancy, shall in the case of every woman so attended, take or cause to be taken a sample of blood of […]
39-1002. PROCEDURE WHEN WOMAN NOT ATTENDED BY LICENSED PHYSICIAN. Every other person attending a pregnant or recently delivered woman in the state, but not permitted by law to take blood samples, shall within fifteen (15) days of the first examination cause a sample of blood of such woman to be taken by a licensed physician […]
39-1003. STANDARD SEROLOGICAL TEST DEFINED. For the purpose of sections 39-1001—39-1006, Idaho Code, a standard serological test shall be a test for syphilis approved by the state board of health and welfare. History: [39-1003, added 1943, ch. 26, sec. 3, p. 53; am. 1974, ch. 23, sec. 111, p. 633.]
39-1004. LABORATORY REPORT OF TEST. The laboratory analyzing the blood sample shall furnish to the physician offering the sample a detailed report of the standard serological test, and including the result of the test. If the laboratory is not operated by the state department of health and welfare, a copy of such report shall be […]
39-1005. REPORTS OF BIRTHS AND STILLBIRTHS TO NOTE MAKING OF TEST. In reporting every birth and stillbirth, physicians and others required to make such reports shall state on the certificates of birth or death whether a standard serological test for syphilis has been made upon a sample of blood taken from the woman who bore […]
39-1006. PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS. Any person who violates the provisions of sections 39-1001—39-1006 shall be guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, however, that every licensed physician or other person attending a pregnant or recently delivered woman, who requests such sample in accordance with the provisions of sections 39-1001—39-1006, and whose request is refused, shall not be […]