39-1201. POLICY. It is hereby declared to be the policy of this state to insure that children of this state shall receive adequate substitute parental care in the event of absence, temporary or permanent inability of parents to provide care and protection for their children or the parents are seeking alternative twenty-four (24) hour long-term […]
39-1202. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this chapter: (1) "Board" means the Idaho board of health and welfare. (2) "Child care" means that care, control, supervision or maintenance of children for twenty-four (24) hours a day provided as an alternative to parental care. (3) "Child" means an individual less than eighteen (18) years of age […]
39-1203. FILING OF DISCLOSURE REPORTS. All children’s institutions except foster homes shall file with the department a disclosure report as designed by the department and containing only such information as set forth in section 39-1204, Idaho Code. All such disclosure reports shall be signed under oath by the administrative employee responsible for operation of the […]
39-1204. FORM FOR DISCLOSURE REPORT. (1) The department shall design a form for the initial disclosure report which shall contain only the following information: (a) The name, address and telephone number(s) for each children’s agency or children’s institution. (b) The name(s), address and telephone number(s) of the individual(s) in charge at each children’s agency or […]
39-1205. EVALUATION OF DISCLOSURE REPORTS. The department shall review all initial and annual update disclosure reports and shall categorize each children’s institution, based on the type of care provided, into one (1) of the following categories: (1) Foster homes; (2) Residential schools; (3) Children’s camps; (4) Children’s therapeutic outdoor program; or (5) Each children’s institution […]
39-1206. CHILDREN’S CAMPS. A children’s camp which provides child care for any one (1) child for more than nine (9) consecutive weeks in any one (1) year period shall constitute a children’s treatment facility. A children’s camp which also constitutes a residential school shall be governed under the provisions of this chapter as a residential […]
39-1207. RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS. (1) Upon receipt of an initial disclosure report from a children’s institution that the department categorizes as a residential school, the department shall provide a copy of such initial disclosure report to the Idaho department of education. (2) The Idaho department of education shall certify to the department whether each residential school […]
39-1208. STANDARDS FOR CHILDREN’S THERAPEUTIC OUTDOOR PROGRAMS. The board shall have the power and it shall be its duty to promulgate appropriate rules necessary to implement and enforce the following standards for licensing a children’s therapeutic outdoor program: (1) Assure the organizational stability of the program, which may require incorporation under the laws of Idaho. […]
39-1209. STANDARDS FOR CHILDREN’S AGENCIES. The board shall have the power and it shall be its duty to promulgate appropriate rules and regulations necessary to implement and enforce the following standards for licensing children’s agencies to: (1) Assure the organizational stability of children’s agencies, which may require incorporation under the laws of this state; (2) […]
39-1210. STANDARDS FOR CHILDREN’S RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES. The board of health and welfare shall have the power and it shall be its duty to promulgate appropriate rules necessary to implement and enforce the following standards for licensing a children’s residential care facility: (1) Assure the organizational stability of the facility, which may require incorporation under […]
39-1211. STANDARDS FOR FOSTER HOMES — BOARD AUTHORIZED TO IMPLEMENT AND ENFORCE. The board of health and welfare shall have the power, and it shall be its duty to promulgate appropriate rules necessary to implement and enforce the following standards for licensing private foster homes pursuant to this chapter. Such rules shall: (1) Require evidence […]
39-1211A. RELATIVE FOSTER CARE — LIMITED VARIANCE OR WAIVER. (1) A relative providing foster care for a related child pursuant to chapter 16, title 16, Idaho Code, must be licensed in accordance with this chapter. (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, the department may expedite placement with a relative, issue a […]
39-1212. APPLICATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES ACT. Actions of the department relating to adoption of rules and regulations, notice, hearings, appeals from decisions of the department or the director, and review shall be governed by the provisions of chapter 52, title 67, Idaho Code, the administrative procedures act. History: [39-1212, added 1990, ch. 215, sec. 14, […]
39-1213. LICENSING AUTHORITY. (a) The board of health and welfare is hereby authorized and directed to establish procedures for licensing foster homes, children’s agencies, children’s therapeutic outdoor programs and children’s residential care facilities which are maintained and operated in conformity with the rules and standards authorized herein. Such procedures shall include the manner and form […]
39-1214. ELIGIBILITY FOR LICENSE. Any foster home, children’s agency, children’s therapeutic outdoor program or children’s residential care facility which applies for a license in the manner and form prescribed by the board of health and welfare and is found upon investigation by the department to be established in conformity with the rules and standards established […]
39-1215. EXPIRATION — RENEWAL. If a licensee desires to apply for a renewal of its license, an application for renewal shall be filed sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date of the license in force. When such application for renewal has been made in the proper manner and form, the existing license shall, unless […]
39-1216. PROVISIONAL LICENSE. Upon initial investigation, should an applicant for a license be unable to meet a standard because of conditions that are unlikely to endure beyond six (6) months from the date of such investigation, the department may, if in its judgment the health and safety of any child is not thereby endangered, issue […]
39-1217. VISITATION. For the purpose of determining whether every licensed foster home, licensed children’s agency, licensed children’s therapeutic outdoor program and licensed children’s residential care facility consistently maintains conformity with the standards established under the authority conferred herein, the department, through an authorized representative, shall visit each such home and facility as often as it […]
39-1218. LICENSE — DENIAL — SUSPENSION — REVOCATION — NONRENEWAL — HEARING. (1) Any license issued pursuant to this chapter may be denied, suspended, revoked or not renewed, by notice in writing by the director or his authorized representative served upon the applicant or licensee by registered or certified mail, setting forth the reasons therefor, […]
39-1219. APPEAL FROM DECISION OF DIRECTOR. If an applicant or licensee feels aggrieved by a decision rendered as a result of a hearing, as provided in section 39-1218, Idaho Code, appeal may be taken to the district court of the county in which the group or foster home, facility, program or agency is located, in […]