39-1220. OPERATING WITHOUT LICENSE MISDEMEANOR. Any person or persons who operate a foster home, children’s agency, children’s therapeutic outdoor program or children’s residential care facility, within this state, without first obtaining a license as provided in this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. However, in the event of an initial citation for violation of […]
39-1221. REMOVAL OF CHILDREN. Any child or children receiving child care in a children’s residential care facility or children’s therapeutic outdoor program found to be operating without a license may be removed from such home, agency or institution upon order of the magistrate court of the county in which the child is receiving care and […]
39-1222. ACTION AGAINST UNLICENSED FOSTER HOME, CHILDREN’S AGENCY, CHILDREN’S THERAPEUTIC OUTDOOR PROGRAM OR CHILDREN’S RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITY. Notwithstanding the existence or pursuit of any other remedy, the department shall, upon showing good cause to the prosecuting attorney who shall represent the department in the proceeding, maintain an action in the name of the state for […]
39-1223. CONSTRUCTION OF ACT. This act shall be liberally construed to the end that the legislative policy expressed herein is attained. History: [39-1223, added 1963, ch. 320, sec. 17, p. 901.]
39-1224. TITLE OF ACT. This act shall be known and cited as the "Child Care Licensing Reform Act," and the caption for chapter 12, title 39, Idaho Code, shall so designate. History: [39-1224, added 1963, ch. 320, sec. 18, p. 901; am. 1987, ch. 56, sec. 4, p. 92; am. 1990, ch. 215, sec. 24, […]