39-1314. SEPARABILITY. If any provision of sections 39-1301—39-1314, Idaho Code, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall be held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the provisions or application of this act which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of the act […]
39-1318. HOSPITAL BOARDS — DUTY TO ACQUIRE, CONSTRUCT, IMPROVE, MAINTAIN, AND PROVIDE FACILITIES AND SERVICES. The betterment and protection of the public health and care of the sick and afflicted are hereby declared to be the established and permanent policy of the state of Idaho. The duty is hereby imposed upon the hospital boards provided […]
39-1319. DEFINITIONS. A "hospital district" is one to furnish general hospital services, and together with such hospital services, nursing home services, or medical clinic services to the general public and all other such services as may be necessary for the care of the injured, maimed, sick, disabled, convalescent or long-term care patients. As used in […]
39-1320. ORGANIZATION OF HOSPITAL DISTRICT — PETITION — CONTENTS — FILING. The organization of a hospital district shall be initiated by a petition filed with the board of county commissioners of the county of [in] which the said district is situated. Said petition shall be signed by not less than ten per cent (10%) of […]
39-1321. JOINT DISTRICTS IN ONE OR MORE COUNTIES. A hospital district as provided in section 39-1320 may be organized where it appears that said district will be within the boundaries of one (1) or more counties, where all the other requirements provided in section 39-1320 have been met, and the county commissioners of each county […]
39-1322. NOTICE OF TIME OF HEARING ON PETITION — ORDER FIXING BOUNDARIES — APPEAL. When such petition is presented to the board of county commissioners and filed in the office of the clerk of such board, the said board shall set a time for a hearing upon such petition which shall not be less than […]
39-1323. ELECTION IN PROPOSED DISTRICT — NOTICE — QUALIFICATIONS OF VOTERS. Such petition may be filed with the clerk of the board of county commissioners at any time, and on such filing and after the county commissioners have made an order finally fixing and determining the boundaries of the proposed district, and have made and […]
39-1324. ELECTION — MANNER OF CONDUCTING. Such election shall be held and conducted in accordance with the general election laws of the state, including the provisions of chapter 14, title 34, Idaho Code. The board of county commissioners shall establish as many election precincts within such proposed district as may be necessary, and define the […]
39-1325. ELECTION RESULTS — CANVASS AND CERTIFICATION — ORDER ESTABLISHING DISTRICT. Immediately after any election for voting upon the organization of a hospital district, the judges of said election shall certify the official results of said election to the clerk of said board of commissioners. The said board of commissioners shall, at its next regular […]
39-1325A. PETITIONS FOR DISSOLUTION OF HOSPITAL DISTRICTS. (1) Proceedings for the dissolution of a hospital district may be initiated by a petition containing the signatures of qualified electors of the district or owners of property within the district equal in number to ten percent (10%) of the qualified electors and taxpayers of the district, the […]
39-1325B. NONFUNCTIONING DISTRICT. Any hospital district which fails or has ceased to function for two (2) or more years may be dissolved by the board or boards of county commissioners of the county or counties in which it is located. The county commissioners may initiate such action by resolution subject to the provisions of section […]
39-1325C. EFFECT OF DISSOLUTION. (1) A dissolved hospital district continues its existence under the supervision of the board or boards of county commissioners of the county or counties in which the district is located, but may not carry on any business except that appropriate to wind up and liquidate its business and affairs, including the […]
39-1326. BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF DISTRICT — QUALIFICATIONS OF MEMBERS. The board of trustees of such hospital district shall consist of seven (7) residents of the district who shall be elected or appointed as herein provided. Immediately following the establishment of a hospital district, the commissioners in the county in which the same is established […]
39-1327. OATHS AND BONDS OF BOARD MEMBERS. Whenever a district has been declared duly organized the members of the board shall qualify by filing with the clerk of the board of county commissioners their oaths of office, and corporate surety bonds at the expense of the district in an amount not to exceed one thousand […]
39-1328. ORGANIZATION OF BOARD — SEAL — DUTIES OF TREASURER — COMPENSATION OF MEMBERS — FINANCIAL STATEMENT. After taking oath and filing bonds, the board shall choose one (1) of its members as chairman of the board and president of the district, and shall elect a secretary and treasurer of the board and of the […]
39-1329. MEETINGS — QUORUM — VACANCIES. The board shall meet regularly once each month at a time and place to be designated by the board. Special meetings may be held as often as the needs of the district require on notice to each member of the board. A majority of the members of the board […]
39-1330. BIENNIAL ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS — TERMS OF OFFICE. On the third Tuesday of May in the next odd-numbered calendar year after the organization of any district, and on the third Tuesday of May every second year thereafter, an election shall be held which shall be known as the biennial election of the district. […]
39-1331. POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD. For and on behalf of the district the board shall have the following powers: a. To have and use a corporate seal. b. To have perpetual existence. c. To sue and be sued and be a party to suits, actions and proceedings. d. To purchase, acquire, dispose of and […]
39-1332. ANNUAL STATEMENT OF VALUATION OF TAXABLE PROPERTY. On or before the third Monday in July of each year the county auditor shall deliver to the secretary of each hospital district within the county a statement showing the aggregate valuation of all the taxable property in such district, and thereafter the district board shall levy […]
39-1333. LEVY AND COLLECTION OF TAXES — INITIAL FINANCING. To levy and collect taxes, as herein provided, the board shall, in each year, determine the amount of money necessary to be raised by taxation, taking into consideration other sources of revenue of the district, and shall fix a rate of levy, which when levied upon […]