39-240. SHORT TITLE — LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS. (1) This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Idaho Vital Statistics Act." (2) The legislature finds: (a) As early as 1632, government officials began tracking vital statistics, specifically births, deaths, and marriages; (b) Today, state and local vital records offices record over eleven million (11,000,000) […]
39-241. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this chapter and this chapter only, the following terms shall be construed to have the meanings hereinafter set forth: (1) "Adoptive parent" means an adult who has become a parent of a child through the legal process of adoption. (2) "Advanced practice registered nurse" means a registered nurse licensed […]
39-242. DUTIES OF DIRECTOR. The director shall: (a) Establish a vital statistics unit with suitable offices properly equipped for the preservation of its official records; (b) Install statewide system of vital statistics; (c) Supervise and require the enforcement of this chapter and the regulations of the board made pursuant thereto. The board is authorized to […]
39-243. STATE REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS. The director shall designate and appoint a state registrar of vital statistics who shall be qualified in accordance with the standards prescribed by law or regulations of the board. Compensation shall be fixed in the same manner as the salary of other employees of the department. History: [39-243, added […]
39-244. DUTIES OF STATE REGISTRAR. The state registrar, under the direction of the director, shall: (a) Have charge of the vital statistics unit; (b) Be official custodian of all its files and records; (c) Perform the duties prescribed by law and the regulations of the board; (d) Have supervisory power over local vital statistics registration […]
39-245. CERTIFICATE FORMS. The form of certificates used under the provisions of this chapter shall be prescribed by the director and shall include as a minimum the items required by the respective standard certificates as recommended by the national agency in charge of vital statistics; provided, however, that the provisions of section 39-1005, Idaho Code, […]
39-245A. CERTIFICATES OF BIRTH — MATERIAL FACTS INCLUDED — AMENDMENTS. (1)(a) The legislature finds that: (i) There is a compelling interest in maintaining accurate, quantitative, biology-based material facts on Idaho certificates of birth that provide material facts fundamental to the performance of government functions that secure the public health and safety, including but not limited […]
39-246. LOCAL REGISTRATION DISTRICTS. The director shall establish registration districts and change the boundaries of the same from time to time which shall conform to political subdivisions, or combinations or parts thereof. History: [39-246, added 1949, ch. 72, sec. 6, p. 117; am. 1974, ch. 23, sec. 66, p. 633.]
39-247. LOCAL REGISTRATION OFFICERS. The state registrar shall appoint local registration officers for such registration districts as are established by the director. Such local registration officers shall meet the qualifications fixed by the board, and shall perform such duties as are required by the chapter and the regulations of the board. History: [39-247, added 1949, […]
39-248. OTHER EMPLOYEES. The director shall provide such assistants as the vital statistics unit may require and determine the compensation and duties of persons thus employed. History: [39-248, added 1949, ch. 72, sec. 8, p. 117; am. 1974, ch. 23, sec. 67, p. 633; am. 1983, ch. 7, sec. 8, p. 27.]
39-249. TRANSMITTAL OF CERTIFICATES AND LOCAL RECORDS. Local registration officers shall transmit all certificates filed with them to the state registrar in accordance with the regulations of the board. Complete and accurate copies of all certificates shall be made by the local registrar for local records purposes. History: [39-249, added 1949, ch. 72, sec. 9, […]
39-250. COMPLETION AND CORRECTION OF CERTIFICATES — PROCEDURE — OTHER ALTERATIONS PROHIBITED. A certificate of any event shall be completed, corrected, amended or otherwise altered after being filed with the vital statistics unit only in accordance with this chapter and rules promulgated by the board. (1) A certificate that is amended under the provisions of […]
39-251. COMPENSATION OF LOCAL REGISTRARS. Each local registrar shall be paid a fee to be established by regulations adopted by the board, for: (a) each certificate returned by the local registrar to the state registrar in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the regulations of the board; and (b) each report of no […]
39-252. FEE FOR COPIES, SEARCHES AND OTHER SERVICES — DEATH CERTIFICATES. (1) The state registrar shall be entitled to receive a fee of thirteen dollars ($13.00) for the making of certified copies of records or for a search of the files when no copies are made, provided that the national agency in charge of vital […]
39-253. ACCOUNTING FOR FEES. Fees received from the certifications of such records, from a search of the files or for other services shall be accounted for as prescribed by the state controller. History: [(39-253) 1949, ch. 72, sec. 14, p. 117; am. 1974, ch. 23, sec. 68, p. 633; am. 1976, ch. 51, sec. 8, […]
39-254. PAYMENT OF FEES TO LOCAL REGISTRATION OFFICERS. All amounts payable to local registrars under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid by the respective treasurers of the incorporated city or county in which the registration district is situated out of the general fund of such incorporated city or county, upon certification by the […]
39-255. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS. A certificate of each birth which occurs in this state shall be filed with the local registrar of the district in which the birth occurs, or as otherwise directed by the state registrar, within fifteen (15) days of the date of birth. No certificate shall be deemed complete until every item […]
39-256. REGISTRATION OF FOUNDLINGS. A foundling certificate shall be filed for each child of unknown parentage within fifteen (15) days of the time the child was found and in the form prescribed by the board. The certificate shall be prepared by the person assuming custody of the child and shall be filed with the local […]
39-257. MARRIAGE OF NATURAL PARENTS OF PERSON BORN IN IDAHO — JUDICIAL DETERMINATION OF PARENTAGE OF PERSON BORN IN IDAHO — NEW BIRTH CERTIFICATES — PROCEDURE. When a person born in Idaho has been legitimated by the subsequent marriage of said person’s natural parents and immediately assumes or is assigned a name other than is […]