39-259. ADOPTION OF PERSONS BORN IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. (1) When it appears from a final decree of adoption issued by an Idaho court that a person born in a foreign country has been adopted in Idaho by someone other than the person’s natural parents, the court shall require the preparation of a report (denominated as […]
39-259A. VOLUNTARY ADOPTION REGISTRY FOR PROVIDING LIMITED ACCESS TO BIRTH INFORMATION OF ADULT ADOPTEES. (a) The state registrar of vital statistics shall establish and maintain a confidential list of qualified adult adoptees who have presented a consent regarding the release of identifying information about themselves. Any consent by a qualified adult adoptee shall be accompanied […]
39-260. REGISTRATION OF DEATHS AND STILLBIRTHS. (1) A certificate of each death which occurs in this state shall be filed with the local registrar of the district in which the death occurs, or as otherwise directed by the state registrar, within five (5) days after the occurrence. However, the board shall, by rule and upon […]
39-261. INDUCED ABORTION REPORTING FORMS — COMPILATIONS. (a) The vital statistics unit shall establish an induced abortion reporting form, which shall be used for the reporting of every induced abortion performed in this state. However, no information shall be collected which would identify the woman who had the abortion. Such form shall be prescribed by […]
39-262. REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGE — MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES FILED. Every person who performs a marriage ceremony shall prepare and sign a certificate of marriage in duplicate, one (1) of which shall be given to the parties and the other filed by said person within ten (10) days after the ceremony with the county recorder. Every county […]
39-263. MARRIAGE LICENSE FEES. Every county recorder shall be paid a fee, to be established by regulations adopted by the board, for each marriage certificate recorded with said recorder and forwarded to the state registrar. The recording fee shall be as provided by section 31-3205, Idaho Code. History: [(39-263) 1949, ch. 72, sec. 28, p. […]
39-265. REGISTRATION OF DIVORCES — ANNULMENTS OF MARRIAGE. (a) A certificate of each divorce or annulment granted by any court in this state shall be filed by the clerk of the court with the vital statistics unit and shall be registered if it has been completed and filed in accordance with this chapter. The certificate […]
39-266. FEE FOR COURT CLERK. The clerk of the court shall be paid a fee for each certificate forwarded by the clerk to the state registrar in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and regulations of the board. Said fee to be collected as a part of the court costs and be assessed by […]
39-267. DELAYED REGISTRATION. Any certificate required to be filed under this chapter accepted for filing after the time prescribed by the board shall be filed in accordance with the minimum standards prescribed by the national agency in charge of vital statistics. (1) If a delayed certificate of birth is rejected under the provisions prescribed, a […]
39-268. AUTHORIZATION FOR FINAL DISPOSITION. (1) The mortician or person acting as such who first assumes possession of a dead body or stillborn fetus shall make a written report to the registrar of the district in which death or stillbirth occurred or in which the body or stillborn fetus was found within twenty-four (24) hours […]
39-269. DISINTERMENT — RULES. No body or stillborn fetus shall be disinterred within the state of Idaho except upon a permit granted by the state registrar of vital statistics. The forms of disinterment permits shall be prepared by the state registrar. Disinterment and removal must be done under the personal supervision of a licensed mortician, […]
39-270. DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION. (a) Certificates and records in the custody of the state registrar shall be open to inspection subject to the provisions of this chapter and the rules of the board, the provisions of section 74-102, Idaho Code, to the contrary notwithstanding; and it shall be unlawful for any state or local official […]
39-271. RECORDS OF INSTITUTIONS. Every person in charge of an institution, public or private, to which persons resort for treatment of diseases, confinements, or are committed by law, shall record all the personal and statistical particulars relative to those persons admitted or confined to their institutions that are required on the forms or the certificates […]
39-272. DUTIES TO PROVIDE INFORMATION. For the purposes of compilation of the vital record, any person having knowledge of the facts shall furnish to the state registrar such information as they may possess regarding any birth, death, stillbirth, marriage or divorce. History: [39-272, added 1983, ch. 7, sec. 34, p. 42.]
39-273. PENALTIES. (a) The following acts, if committed unlawfully, purposely and with the intent to deceive, shall be felonies punishable by a fine of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000) or imprisonment of not more than five (5) years, or both: (1) furnishing false or fraudulent information affecting any certificate, record or report required […]
39-274. EVIDENTIARY CHARACTER OF RECORDS AND COPIES OF RECORDS. Any certificate filed in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the regulations prescribed by the board, or any copy of such records or part thereof, duly certified by the state registrar, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts recited therein. History: [(39-274) 1949, […]
39-275. APPLICABILITY. The provisions of this chapter also apply to all certificates of birth, death, marriage, divorce, stillbirth, and reports of induced abortion previously received by the vital statistics unit and in the custody of the state registrar. History: [39-275, added 1983, ch. 7, sec. 37, p. 44.]
39-276. UNIFORMITY OF INTERPRETATION. This chapter shall be so construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the laws of those states which enact it. History: [(39-276) 1949, ch. 72, sec. 31, p. 117; am. and redesignated 1983, ch. 7, sec. 38, p. 44.]
39-277. AUTOPSIES FOR SUSPECTED CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE. When an attending physician or hospital has reported to the department of health and welfare that Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) or variant CJD is suspected in relation to a person’s death, the state epidemiologist, as designated pursuant to department rule, shall cause to be performed an autopsy of the body, […]
39-278. PROCEDURE FOR DELAYED REGISTRATION OR AMENDMENT OF VITAL RECORD. (1) Following exhaustion of any administrative procedures or remedies provided by this chapter or by department rule, if an applicant has been denied a request to amend a vital record as provided by section 39-250(5), Idaho Code, or because the item for which an amendment […]