39-3501. LEGISLATIVE INTENT AND DECLARATION. The purpose of a certified family home in Idaho is to provide a homelike alternative designed to allow individuals to remain in a more normal family-styled living environment, usually within their own community. Certified family homes provide a home to individuals who are elderly, individuals with a mental illness, developmental […]
39-3502. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: (1) "Abuse" means a nonaccidental act of sexual, physical or mental mistreatment or injury of a resident through the action or inaction of another individual. (2) "Activities of daily living" means the performance of basic self-care activities in meeting an individual’s needs to sustain him in a daily […]
39-3503. PAYMENT AGREEMENTS. Each care provider shall negotiate a written, signed and dated agreement between the care provider and a resident specifying the amount of monthly payment to be paid by the resident and the method for payment. History: [(39-3503) 39-3575, added 1994, ch. 284, sec. 1, p. 890; am. 2000, ch. 274, sec. 113, […]
39-3504. PHYSICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS. Standards shall be developed through the regulatory process by the department to assure a safe, sanitary and comfortable environment for residents of certified family homes. History: [(39-3504) 39-3578, added 1994, ch. 284, sec. 1, p. 890; am. 2000, ch. 274, sec. 116, p. 854; am. and redesig. 2005, ch. 280, […]
39-3505. RULES. The board shall have the power and it shall be its duty to promulgate appropriate rules necessary to implement and enforce the standards for certified family homes pursuant to this act including, but not limited to, the following: (1) A home shall be certified for no more than two (2) adults, however, upon […]
39-3506. STATE CERTIFICATION TO SUPERSEDE LOCAL REGULATION. The provisions of this chapter, and the rules promulgated pursuant to this chapter, shall supersede any program of any political subdivision of the state which licenses or sets standards for certified family homes. History: [39-3506, added 1993, ch. 374, sec. 1, p. 1357; am. 2000, ch. 274, sec. […]
39-3507. ADMISSIONS. A certified family home shall not admit or retain any resident requiring a level of services or type of service which the certified family home does not have the time or appropriate skills to provide. History: [39-3507, added 1993, ch. 374, sec. 1, p. 1358; am. 1996, ch. 207, sec. 28, p. 648; […]
39-3508. ASSESSMENT. The department shall employ uniform assessment criteria to assess functional and cognitive disability. The conclusions shall be deemed the assessment and shall be used to provide appropriate placement and funding for service needs. History: [39-3508, added 1996, ch. 207, sec. 30, p. 649; am. 2005, ch. 280, sec. 38, p. 903.]
39-3509. NEGOTIATED SERVICE AGREEMENT OR PLAN OF SERVICE. Each resident shall be provided a negotiated service agreement or plan of service to provide for coordination of services and for guidance of the care provider where the person resides. Upon completion, the agreement shall clearly identify the resident and describe the services to be provided to […]
39-3510. SEPARABILITY. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, or any other part of this chapter is adjudged unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate the remainder of this chapter, but shall be confined to this section, subsection, paragraph, sentence, or any other part of this chapter directly involved in the controversy […]
39-3511. ADVISORY COUNCIL. The department shall establish a state level advisory council consisting of twenty (20) members appointed by the organizations and/or agencies represented on the council. The chairman of the council shall be elected from the membership. The members of the council shall be determined by the bylaws of the council. History: [39-3511, added […]
39-3512. APPLICATION OF PROVISIONS. (1) Any individual providing care and housing commercially to the elderly, or individuals with mental illness, developmental disabilities, or physical disabilities shall at a minimum, meet the requirements of this chapter or other provision of law governing care and housing for the elderly, individuals with mental illness, developmental disabilities or physical […]
39-3513. TRAINING. The department shall assure that care providers receive, at a minimum, training which shall include the rights of the resident, and a basic understanding of the psychosocial and physical needs of residents to be served. The department will require annual continuing education requirements for care providers as defined by rules promulgated pursuant to […]
39-3516. RESIDENT RIGHTS. A certified family home must protect and promote the rights of each resident, including each of the following rights: (1) Resident records. Each certified family home must maintain and keep current a record of the following information on each resident: (a) A copy of the resident’s current negotiated plan of service and […]
39-3519. ACCESS BY ADVOCATES AND REPRESENTATIVES. A certified family home shall permit advocates and representatives of community legal services programs, including the protection and advocacy system pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 15043 and 42 U.S.C. 10801 et seq., whose purposes include rendering assistance without charge to residents, to have access to the certified family home at […]
39-3520. APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATION. An application for certification shall be made to regional offices of the department upon forms provided by the department and shall contain such information as the department reasonably requires which will include a background check and fingerprinting through the department. Following receipt of an application, the department shall conduct a study, […]
39-3521. ISSUANCE AND RENEWAL OF CERTIFICATION. Each certificate shall be issued only for the home and provider named in the application and shall not be transferable or assignable. Each certified family home is required to renew its certification annually. The application for renewal shall be filed with the regional office of the department within thirty […]
39-3522. PROVISIONAL CERTIFICATION. Upon initial investigation, should an applicant for a certificate be unable to meet a standard because of conditions that are unlikely to endure beyond six (6) months, the department may grant a provisional certificate pending the satisfactory correction of all deficiencies and provided that the deficiencies do not jeopardize the health and […]
39-3523. DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF A CERTIFICATE. The department may deny the issuance of a certificate or revoke any certificate when persuaded by a preponderance of evidence that such conditions exist as to endanger the health or safety of any resident, or when the home is not in substantial compliance with the provisions of this […]
39-3524. PROCEDURE FOR DENIAL OR REVOCATION OF A CERTIFICATE. Immediately upon the denial of any application for a certificate, or the revocation of a certificate, the department shall notify the applicant in writing. The proceedings shall be conducted in accordance with the Idaho administrative procedure act and the department’s rules. History: [(39-3524) 39-3566, added 1994, […]