39-3701. BLOOD DONATIONS BY MINORS. (1) Any person who is seventeen (17) years of age or older shall be eligible to donate blood in a voluntary and noncompensatory blood program without the necessity of obtaining parental permission or authorization. (2) A person who is sixteen (16) years of age but not seventeen (17) years of […]
39-3702. EXCLUSION OR MODIFICATION OF WARRANTIES ON ANATOMICAL TISSUE, ORGAN, FLUID DONATION SERVICES. The procurement, processing, storage, distribution, or use of whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, bodily tissue, tissue products, organs, parts of organs or products derived therefrom for the purpose of injecting, transfusing or transplanting the same, or any of them, into […]
39-3703. ANATOMICAL PARTS CONTROL. No anatomical parts of human bodies, including whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, body tissue, organs, parts of organs or products derived therefrom, and including semen, ova and embryos, shall be used for any purpose of injecting, transfusing or transplanting into a human body unless such anatomical parts or the […]