39-6601. LEGISLATIVE INTENT. The legislature finds that the waters of Big Payette Lake and its watershed are threatened with deterioration due to expanding residential development, greater public use and growing land use activities, that these pressures may endanger the drinkability, economic potential, fisheries, natural beauty, recreational use, swimability and wildlife values of the lake; that […]
39-6602. DEFINITIONS. Whenever used in this chapter: (1) "Citizens committee" means the committee named by the council consisting of members of the public. (2) "Council" means the "Big Payette Lake Water Quality Council" established in this chapter. (3) "Lake" means the Big Payette Lake and its watershed which shall include all tributaries, and small lakes […]
39-6603. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE BIG PAYETTE LAKE WATER QUALITY COUNCIL. There is hereby created a Big Payette Lake water quality council for the lake. It shall be the responsibility of the council to develop and implement the program created in this chapter. The council shall be assisted in carrying out its responsibilities by the department […]
39-6604. DECLARATION OF POLICIES AND PURPOSES. The council shall develop and implement a program that includes: (1) The assembly of all historical data on water quality studies in the lake. (2) An assessment of present and projected land and water uses related to the lake. (3) The performance of a comprehensive, scientifically-based study of water […]
39-6605. MEMBERSHIP. The council shall consist of nine (9) members appointed by the governor. The governor shall appoint one (1) member who shall be a Valley county commissioner at the time of their appointment, one (1) member who shall be an elected member of the McCall city government at the time of their appointment, one […]
39-6606. DUTIES OF COUNCIL. The council shall have the following duties: (1) To coordinate activities related to the study of water quality in the lake, the development of a water quality management plan, and the implementation of that plan until disbandment as provided herein. (2) To conduct a public awareness program to educate the general […]
39-6607. ORGANIZATION. (1) After appointment, the members of the council shall choose one (1) member as chairman of the council and shall elect a secretary and treasurer of the council who may or may not be members of the council. The secretary and the treasurer may be one (1) person. The secretary shall keep a […]
39-6608. QUORUM. (1) A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. A majority vote of the members present shall be required to take action with respect to any matter. The vote of each member shall be individually recorded. (2) The council may in other respects adopt […]
39-6609. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE. To assist in the development of its program, the council shall create a technical committee which may include, but is not exclusively limited to, designated representatives of the public health district, city and county planning or engineering departments, the county planning and zoning commission, the McCall water and sewer district, department of […]
39-6610. CITIZENS COMMITTEE. The council shall create a citizens committee comprised of citizens who express an interest in the council’s program for the lake, the study and the plan. Citizens performing volunteer services in support of the council’s program shall be automatic members of the citizens committee. Members of the citizens committee may meet with […]
39-6611. LAKE MANAGEMENT PLAN. (1) When the council has received and accepted the study, it shall make the same available to all appropriate and interested city, county, health district, state and federal agencies and to any interested individual or affected lake agency or association. For a period of ninety (90) days after dissemination, any interested […]
39-6612. ACCOUNTS. (1) There is hereby created in the state treasury a dedicated fund known as the Payette Lake trust account. Moneys in the Payette Lake trust account may come from appropriations, grants, gifts, donations, use fees or such other sources as may be authorized by the legislature. Moneys in the account shall be exclusively […]