39-7601. AUTHORIZATION OF LOANS. The director is hereby authorized to make loans at or below market interest rates, as funds are available, to any eligible public water system to assist the public water system or which will facilitate their compliance with national primary drinking water regulations applicable to the system or to otherwise significantly further […]
39-7602. DISBURSEMENTS BY THE DIRECTOR OF LOANS TO PUBLIC WATER SYSTEMS — LIMITATIONS ON LOANS — RULES — APPROVAL OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL — AUDIT OF DISBURSEMENTS. (1) There is hereby created the drinking water loan fund. The department of environmental quality shall use moneys from this fund only for providing loans, or as a […]
39-7603. INVESTMENT OF FUNDS IN DRINKING WATER LOAN ACCOUNT. Surplus moneys in the drinking water loan account established by section 39-7602, Idaho Code, shall be invested by the state treasurer in the manner for idle state moneys in the state treasury as provided for in section 67-1210, Idaho Code. Interest received on all such investments […]
39-7604. APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE DRINKING WATER LOAN ACCOUNT — PURPOSE OF CHAPTER. Moneys in the drinking water loan account are hereby perpetually appropriated to provide loans and other forms of financial assistance authorized under title XVI of the public health service act known as the safe drinking water act and the safe drinking water act […]
39-7605. LIMITS ON THE AMOUNTS AND LOANS. The director may make loans to eligible public water systems pursuant to the requirements of this chapter and federal laws and regulations provided, that the projected disbursements for such loans would not cause the projected balance in the loan fund to fall below zero at any time. All […]
39-7606. PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM SUPERVISION FUND. (1) There is hereby created in the state treasury the public water system supervision fund. Moneys in the fund shall consist of fees assessed pursuant to rules of the department on regulated public drinking water systems, federal funds which are received by the state to provide for the public […]