39-8621. NO LIMITATION OR ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITY. This chapter shall not be construed to relieve or lessen the responsibility of any person, firm or corporation owning, operating, controlling, maintaining, erecting, constructing, installing, altering, inspecting, testing or repairing any conveyance covered by this chapter for damages to any person or property caused by any defect therein, […]
39-8622. ACCIDENTS — REPORT AND INVESTIGATION — CESSATION OF USE — REMOVAL OF DAMAGED PARTS. The owner shall promptly notify the division of each accident to a person requiring the service of a physician or resulting in a disability exceeding one (1) day and shall afford the division every facility for investigating and inspecting the […]
39-8623. IDAHO ELEVATOR SAFETY FUND ESTABLISHED. All moneys received by the administrator under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the state treasury as directed by section 59-1014, Idaho Code, and shall be placed by the state treasurer to the credit of a dedicated fund to be known as the "Idaho Elevator Safety […]