39-901. INFLAMMATION OF EYES OF NEWBORN DEFINED. Any inflammation, swelling, or unusual redness in either one (1) or both eyes of any infant, either apart from, or together with any unnatural discharge from the eye or eyes of such infant, independent of the nature of the infection, if any, occurring at any time within two […]
39-902. REPORT TO HEALTH OFFICER — WARNING OF DANGER — TREATMENT OF INDIGENT CASES. It shall be the duty of any physician, surgeon, obstetrician, midwife, nurse, maternity home or hospital of any nature, parent, relative and persons attendant on or assisting in any way whatsoever any infant, or the mother of any infant at childbirth, […]
39-903. GERMICIDE TO BE INSTILLED IN EYES OF NEWBORN BABY. It shall be unlawful for any physician or midwife practicing midwifery to neglect, or otherwise fail to instill or have instilled immediately upon its birth, in the eyes of the newborn babe, some germicide of proved efficiency in preventing the development of ophthalmia neonatorum. History: […]
39-904. STATEMENT IN REPORT OF BIRTH. Every physician or midwife shall, in making a report of a birth, state whether or not the above germicide was instilled into the eyes of said infant. History: [(39-904) 1921, ch. 233, sec. 4, p. 522; I.C.A., sec. 38-704.]
39-905. DUTIES OF LOCAL HEALTH OFFICER. It shall be the duty of the local health officer: 1. To investigate, or have investigated, each case as filed with him in pursuance of the law, and any other cases as may come to his attention. 2. To report all cases of inflammation of the eyes of the […]
39-906. DUTIES OF DIRECTOR. It shall be the duty of the director of the department of health and welfare: (1) To enforce the provisions of this chapter. (2) To administer such rules and regulations as shall, under this chapter, be necessary for the purpose of this chapter and such as the state board of health […]
39-907. BIRTH REPORTS NOT SHOWING COMPLIANCE — CERTIFICATION TO PROSECUTING ATTORNEY. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the county court of each county on or before the fifteenth day of each month to certify to the prosecuting attorney of his county all reports of births filed during the preceding calendar month which […]
39-909. TESTS FOR PHENYLKETONURIA AND PREVENTABLE DISEASES IN NEWBORN INFANTS. It shall be the duty of the administrative officer or other person in charge of each hospital or other institution caring for newborn infants and the person responsible for the registration of the birth of such infants under section 39-255, Idaho Code, to cause to […]
39-910. DUTIES OF DIRECTOR IN ENFORCING ACT. It shall be the duty of the director of the department of health and welfare: 1. To enforce the provisions of this act. 2. To prescribe what tests shall be made for preventable diseases in addition to the test for phenylketonuria. 3. To publish rules of the board […]
39-912. EXEMPTION BECAUSE OF RELIGIOUS BELIEF. The provisions of this act shall not apply to any child whose parent or guardian objects thereto on the grounds that it conflicts with the tenets or practices of a recognized church or religious denomination of which said parent or guardian is an adherent or member. History: [39-912, added […]