48-701. LIABILITY FOR REMOVING OR CONCEALING MERCHANDISE — RETAIL THEFT. Any person who knowingly removes merchandise from a merchant’s premises without paying therefor, or knowingly conceals merchandise to avoid paying therefor, or knowingly commits retail theft, shall be civilly liable to the merchant for the retail value of the merchandise, plus damages of not less […]
48-702. LIABILITY FOR ACTS OF MINORS. The parent having legal custody, of a minor who knowingly removes merchandise from a merchant’s premises without paying therefor, or knowingly conceals merchandise to avoid paying therefor, or knowingly commits retail theft, shall be civilly liable to the merchant for the retail value of the merchandise, plus damages of […]
48-703. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: (a) "Merchandise" means any personal property displayed, held or offered for sale by a merchant. (b) "Merchant" means an owner or operator, and the agent, consignee, employee, lessee, or officer of an owner or operator, of any merchant’s premises. (c) "Premises" means any establishment or part thereof wherein […]
48-704. AUTHORIZED ACTIONS OF MERCHANTS. (a) Any merchant may request a person on his premises to place or keep in full view any merchandise such person may have removed, or which the merchant has reason to believe he may have removed, from its place of display or elsewhere, whether for examination, purchase or for any […]
48-705. NOTICE OF RIGHT OF DETENTION. No merchant shall be entitled to immunity from liability provided for in this act unless there is displayed in a conspicuous place on his premises a notice not less than thirteen (13) inches wide and twenty-one (21) inches long, clearly legible and in substantially the following form: ANY MERCHANT […]