54-1401. PURPOSE — LICENSE REQUIRED — REPRESENTATION TO THE PUBLIC. In order to safeguard the public health, safety and welfare, it is in the public interest to regulate and control nursing in the state of Idaho, to promote quality health care services, to prohibit unqualified and dishonest persons from practicing nursing, and to protect against […]
54-1402. DEFINITIONS. As used in this chapter: (1) "Advanced practice registered nurse" means a registered nurse licensed in this state who has gained additional specialized knowledge, skills and experience through a program of study recognized or defined by the board. An advanced practice registered nurse is authorized to perform advanced nursing practice, which may include […]
54-1403. BOARD OF NURSING. (1) Appointment, Removal and Term of Office. There is hereby created within the division of occupational and professional licenses the board of nursing for the state of Idaho composed of nine (9) members appointed by the governor. Membership of the board shall consist of the following: (a) Five (5) persons licensed […]
54-1404. BOARD OF NURSING — POWERS AND DUTIES. The board shall have all powers and duties necessary and incident to regulation of nursing and to enforcement of this chapter including, but not limited to, the power and duty: (1) To regulate individuals designated as certified medication assistants; (2) To license qualified persons for practice of […]
54-1405. OCCUPATIONAL LICENSES FUND — RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS. All fees, charges, and fines received by the board under the provisions of this chapter shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the occupational licenses fund, and all costs and expenses incurred by the board under the provisions of this chapter shall be […]
54-1406. NURSING EDUCATION PROGRAMS. Approval. (1) Qualifications. Persons and institutions desiring to offer or conduct approved nursing education programs in the state of Idaho shall comply herewith. Approval shall be conditioned upon and subject to continuing compliance with standards adopted by the board respecting faculty, staff, curriculum, administration, financial stability and other matters affecting the […]
54-1406A. CERTIFIED MEDICATION ASSISTANT. (1) The board shall issue a certificate of medication assistance (MA-C) to an individual who: (a) Is registered as a nursing assistant, without substantiated charges, on the nursing assistant registry currently maintained by the Idaho department of health and welfare; (b) Has completed an MA-C program at an institution accredited by […]
54-1407. LICENSE FOR PRACTICAL NURSING. (1) Qualifications. To qualify for a license to practice practical nursing a person must: (a) Have successfully completed the basic curriculum of an approved practical nursing education program or its equivalent; and (b) Satisfy one (1) of the following requirements: (i) Pass an examination adopted and used by the board […]
54-1408. LICENSE FOR REGISTERED NURSING. (1) Qualifications. To qualify for a license to practice registered nursing, a person must: (a) Have successfully completed the basic curriculum of an approved registered nursing education program or its equivalent; and (b) Satisfy one (1) of the following requirements: (i) Pass an examination adopted and used by the board […]
54-1409. LICENSE FOR ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSING. (1) Qualifications. To qualify for a license to practice advanced practice registered nursing, a person must: (a) Be currently licensed to practice as a registered nurse in Idaho; and (b) Have successfully completed an approved advanced practice registered nursing education program that meets the board requirements for the […]
54-1410. NURSE EMERITUS LICENSE. (1) Any licensee in good standing, who desires to retire for any length of time from the practice of nursing in this state, shall submit a request in writing, surrender the current license, and pay the required fee; thereafter the current license shall be placed on inactive status and an emeritus […]
54-1410A. TEMPORARY LICENSE. (1) The board may issue temporary licenses to: (a) Graduates of approved nursing education programs seeking to qualify for licensure by this chapter; or (b) Persons who have not actively engaged in the practice of nursing in any state for more than three (3) years immediately prior to application for licensure. (2) […]
54-1411. RENEWAL AND REINSTATEMENT OF LICENSE. (1) Renewal. Except for emeritus status, each license issued pursuant to this chapter shall be valid from the date of its issue until the first renewal date thereafter. (a) No license shall be valid unless renewed each and every two (2) years on the renewal dates fixed by the […]
54-1412. EXCEPTIONS TO LICENSE REQUIREMENTS. This act shall not be construed to require licensure or to prohibit the practice of nursing by persons assisting in an emergency, students enrolled in approved nursing education programs performing functions incident to formal instruction, nurses licensed by another state, territory or country and employed by the United States government […]
54-1413. DISCIPLINARY ACTION. (1) Grounds for discipline. The board shall have the power to refuse to issue, renew or reinstate a license issued pursuant to this chapter and may revoke, suspend, place on probation, reprimand, limit, restrict, condition or take other disciplinary action against the licensee as it deems proper, upon a determination by the […]
54-1414. UNLAWFUL CONDUCT — PENALTIES. (1) It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, association or other legal entity to: (a) Practice nursing in this state without a current license unless exempted from licensure by this chapter; or (b) Falsify or forge any application for licensure, license, renewal of license or certification required by this […]
54-1415. EXISTING LICENSES. Any person holding a license to practice nursing in this state on March 23, 1977, shall be recognized as licensed hereunder and shall be subject to all provisions of this act. The rules of the board in effect at the time of enactment of this act, and the fees fixed by the […]
54-1416. INJUNCTION. Whenever any person violates any of the provisions of this act, the board may maintain an action in the name of the state of Idaho to enjoin said person from any further violations, such action to be brought either in the county in which said acts are claimed to have been or are […]
54-1418. NURSE LICENSURE COMPACT. The terms and conditions of the nurse licensure compact are hereby enacted in substantially the following form: NURSE LICENSURE COMPACT ARTICLE I FINDINGS AND DECLARATION OF PURPOSE a. The party states find that: 1. The health and safety of the public are affected by the degree of compliance with and the […]
54-1419. ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSE COMPACT. [EFFECTIVE DATE — SEE ARTICLE X OF COMPACT] The terms and conditions of the advanced practice registered nurse compact are hereby enacted in substantially the following form: ADVANCED PRACTICE REGISTERED NURSE COMPACT ARTICLE I FINDINGS AND DECLARATION OF PURPOSE a. The party states find that: 1. The health and […]