67-3401. OFFICES ABOLISHED. The following offices, boards, commissions, arms and agencies of the state government heretofore created by law, are hereby abolished: state board of agriculture and its officers, director of farm markets, state board of horticultural inspection and its officers, state horticultural inspector and his deputies, state bee inspector and his deputies, state livestock […]
67-3402. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY ABOLISHED — DUTIES TRANSFERRED. The department of commerce and industry is hereby abolished and the duties thereof transferred to the department of finance. The office of commissioner of commerce and industry is hereby abolished and the duties thereof transferred to the commissioner of finance. History: [(67-3402) 1921, ch. 104, […]
67-3403. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY — TRANSFER OF RIGHTS, POWERS AND DUTIES TO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. All the rights, powers and duties which have heretofore been vested in or exercised by the department of commerce and industry or any officer thereof and all rights, powers and duties which may be imposed upon said department […]
67-3404. EFFECT OF LAW ON CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS. By this act the legislature does not intend to deprive any of the constitutional officers or boards of duties imposed upon them by the express or implied provisions of the constitution. History: [(67-3404) 1919, ch. 8, sec. 49, p. 43; C.S., sec. 352; I.C.A., sec. 65-3304.]
67-3405. VALIDITY OF LAW. If any part or section of this act be decided by the courts to be unconstitutional or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the act as a whole, or any part thereof which can be given effect without the part so decided to be unconstitutional or invalid. History: […]