70-1201. COMMISSIONERS — COMMISSIONER DISTRICTS. The powers of the port district shall be exercised through a port commission consisting of three (3) members, one (1) from each of the three (3) county commissioner districts of the county in which the port district is located, when the boundaries of the port district are co-extensive with the […]
70-1202. COMMISSIONERS — QUALIFICATIONS. No person shall be eligible to hold the office of port commissioner unless he is a qualified elector of the state of Idaho and a resident of the district from which he is seeking office. History: [70-1202, added 1969, ch. 55, sec. 15, p. 144.]
70-1203. COMMISSIONERS — FIRST ELECTION. At the same election at which the proposition is submitted to the voters as to whether a port district shall be formed, three (3) commissioners shall be elected to hold office, respectively for the terms of two (2), four (4) and six (6) years. All candidates at the formation election […]
70-1204. COMMISSIONERS — COMMENCEMENT OF TERM. The terms of all commissioners elected under any section of this chapter shall date from the first day in January following the general election at which they were elected, if elected at a general election, or if elected at other than a general election on the date specified in […]
70-1205. COMMISSIONERS FOR ANNEXED AREA — ORIGINAL COUNTY. No additional commissioner shall be elected to represent any annexed area of the county in which the port district was formed, but the port district within such county shall, after each such annexation, be redistricted as in this act provided. History: [70-1205, added 1969, ch. 55, sec. […]
70-1206. COMMISSIONERS FOR ANNEXED AREA OF ADJACENT COUNTY. At the same election at which a proposition for annexation of land to an existing district is submitted to vote, if the area to be annexed includes land in a county or counties other than the county in which the original port district exists, one (1) commissioner […]
70-1207. SUBSEQUENT COMMISSIONERS — TERM OF OFFICE. Commissioners elected subsequent to the formation and/or annexation election shall hold office for a period of six (6) years and until their respective successors are elected and qualified. History: [70-1207, added 1969, ch. 55, sec. 20, p. 144.]
70-1208. COMMISSIONERS — ELECTIONS AFTER FORMATION. A general election for election of a port commissioner or commissioners and for the submission to vote of any propositions or proposals shall be held biennially in conjunction with the general county elections in the county of original formation, and at the appropriate times subject to the provisions of […]
70-1209. FORMATION OR ANNEXATION BETWEEN GENERAL ELECTIONS — ELECTION OF SUBSEQUENT COMMISSIONERS. If any formation or annexation election be held, subject to the provisions of section 34-106, Idaho Code, at any time other than at the time of a general election, then there shall be no election held on the next subsequent general election following […]
70-1210. ELECTION PROCEDURE — SUPPLIES. Such general election shall be conducted by the county clerk according to the provisions of chapter 14, title 34, Idaho Code. History: [70-1210, added 1969, ch. 55, sec. 23, p. 144; am. 1995, ch. 118, sec. 105, p. 510; am. 2009, ch. 341, sec. 155, p. 1075.]
70-1211. ELECTIONS — VOTER QUALIFICATIONS. All electors who are, at the time of any port district election, residents of such district and duly qualified to vote within their respective precincts under the general election laws for state and county officers, shall be deemed qualified electors in said port district, but only as to commissioners representing […]
70-1212. ELECTIONS — NOMINATING PETITIONS. Nominations for port commissioners at the formation election, at any annexation elections, and for all general elections shall be by petition of not less than five (5) qualified electors of the commissioner district of which the candidate is a resident, and shall be filed in the office of the county […]
70-1213. PRIMARY ELECTIONS. In the event valid nominating petitions for more than two (2) candidates remain on file for the office of port district commissioner in any commissioner district after the last day for withdrawal of candidacy, the county clerk shall conduct a port district primary at the same time he conducts the county primary […]
70-1214. GENERAL ELECTIONS — SUBMISSION OF PROPOSITIONS OR PROPOSALS. In the event the port commissioners shall determine to submit any propositions or proposals to the voters at any such general election, the president and secretary of such port district, shall, within sixty (60) days prior to said general election, certify to the county clerk of […]
70-1215. ADDITIONAL ELECTIONS. Additional elections within any port district may be held at such times and for the submission of such propositions or proposals as the port commission may by resolution prescribe, subject to the limitations provided in section 34-106, Idaho Code. Such elections shall be conducted by the county clerk in accordance with the […]
70-1217. ADDITIONAL ELECTIONS — POLLING PLACES. For such additional elections, there shall be not less than one (1) polling place within each port commissioner district. It shall be the duty of the county commissioners at least twenty (20) days before all special elections, to designate by resolution the polling places for such special election, and […]
70-1218. ADDITIONAL ELECTIONS — REGISTRATION BOOKS. As provided in section 34-1402, Idaho Code, the county clerk of any county in which a port district is located shall maintain the register of electors and make such register available to the election officials of the port district. History: [70-1218, added 1969, ch. 55, sec. 31, p. 144; […]
70-1219. ELECTIONS — CANVASS OF VOTE. The returns of all port district elections shall be canvassed by the county commissioners, who shall meet and proceed to canvass the same in accordance with the provisions of chapter 12, title 34, Idaho Code, and shall thereupon declare the results. History: [70-1219, added 1969, ch. 55, sec. 32, […]
70-1220. ELECTIONS — EXPENSES. All expenses of elections for the formation of a port district and annexations thereto, and any other port district elections, shall be paid by the county or counties holding such election, and such expenditure is hereby declared to be for a county purpose. History: [70-1220, added 1969, ch. 55, sec. 33, […]