14-27-7.7-1. Long Term Lease for Williams Dam
Sec. 1. The director may enter into a long term lease of the Williams Dam on the East Fork of the White River in Lawrence County. As added by P.L.16-2009, SEC.23.
Sec. 1. The director may enter into a long term lease of the Williams Dam on the East Fork of the White River in Lawrence County. As added by P.L.16-2009, SEC.23.
Sec. 2. A lease executed under this chapter must meet the following requirements: (1) It must be for the development of hydroelectric power at the Williams Dam Fishing Area. (2) It must enhance the recreation and fishing potential of the Williams Dam Fishing Area. (3) The initial term of the lease may not exceed forty […]
Sec. 3. A lease executed under this chapter may provide for renewal at the option of the director, with the approval of the governor. As added by P.L.16-2009, SEC.23.
Sec. 4. A lease executed under this chapter may include any other limitations or restrictions determined necessary by the director. As added by P.L.16-2009, SEC.23.
Sec. 5. Revenue from a lease under this chapter shall be used solely for the division of fish and wildlife. As added by P.L.16-2009, SEC.23.