Sec. 1. The commission shall maintain and develop the: (1) fairgrounds; and (2) other property owned by the commission. [Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-1.5-3-1.] As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.4.
Sec. 10. (a) Promptly following the close of a fiscal year, the commission shall submit an annual report of the commission’s activities for the preceding year to the: (1) governor; (2) budget committee; and (3) general assembly. (b) The annual report submitted under this section to the general assembly must be in an electronic format […]
Sec. 11. (a) The commission may establish a nonprofit subsidiary corporation that is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, to solicit and accept private funding, gifts, donations, bequests, devises, and contributions. (b) A subsidiary corporation established under this section: (1) shall use money received under subsection (a) to […]
Sec. 2. The commission shall administer the: (1) fairgrounds; and (2) property owned by the commission; to provide for maximum use of the fairgrounds and property of the commission for the benefit of the citizens of Indiana. [Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-1.5-3-2.] As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.4.
Sec. 3. (a) The commission and board shall ensure that the fair is held annually. Holding the fair shall be given priority over all other activities by the commission during the period the fair is held. (b) In addition to holding the fair, the commission may: (1) hold expositions; (2) hold exhibitions; and (3) engage […]
Sec. 4. (a) The commission may do the following: (1) Enter into contracts related to the commission’s powers and duties under this article. (2) Receive gifts. (3) Charge admissions. (4) Purchase, lease, and sell real and personal property. (5) Make improvements to the fairgrounds and property owned by the commission. (b) The commission is responsible […]
Sec. 5. The commission may not permit unlawful activities to be conducted on any of the following: (1) The fairgrounds. (2) Property owned by the commission. [Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-1.5-3-5.] As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.4.
Sec. 6. The commission has complete control over the use of the: (1) fairgrounds; and (2) property owned by the commission. [Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-1.5-3-6.] As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.4.
Sec. 7. (a) The commission shall adopt a cost accounting system that is governed by generally accepted accounting principles. (b) The commission is subject to audit by the state board of accounts. [Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-1.5-3-7.] As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.4.
Sec. 8. The commission shall adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 relating to the following: (1) Procurement of property. (2) Disposition of property owned by the commission. (3) Contracting procedures. [Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-1.5-3-8.] As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.4.
Sec. 9. At the first meeting each year of the advisory committee, the commission shall report the following: (1) The activities of the commission during the previous calendar year. (2) The financial condition of the commission for the commission’s most recently completed fiscal year. (3) The commission’s plans for the current calendar year. (4) The […]