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Home » US Law » 2022 Indiana Code » Title 15. Agriculture and Animals » Article 15. Horticulture Products » Chapter 4. Certification of Agricultural Seeds and Plant Parts

15-15-4-1. Dean of Agriculture; Administration of Chapter

Sec. 1. The dean of agriculture of Purdue University: (1) shall administer and implement this chapter; and (2) may adopt rules under IC 4-22-2 that the dean of agriculture considers necessary to carry out the purposes and secure the efficient administration of this chapter. [Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-4-6-9.] As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.6.

15-15-4-2. Persons Subject to Chapter; Certification for Specified Crop

Sec. 2. (a) A person, a firm, an association, a limited liability company, or a corporation that issues, uses, or circulates a certificate, an advertisement, a tag, a seal, a poster, a letterhead, a marking, a circular, a written or printed representation, or a description of or pertaining to seeds or plant parts intended for […]

15-15-4-3. Compliance With Rules; Control of Certification Work by Purdue University

Sec. 3. (a) A person, a firm, an association, a limited liability company, or a corporation that is subject to this chapter shall observe, perform, and comply with all rules and requirements fixed, established, or specified by Purdue University as to the crops grown or to be grown in Indiana that are eligible for certification […]

15-15-4-4. Certification Work on Self-Supporting Basis; Qualification of Agency

Sec. 4. (a) Certification work conducted by Purdue University or an agent described in section 3 of this chapter is performed on a self-supporting basis and not for financial profit. (b) Purdue University may designate as an agent for the certification of seeds or plant parts intended for propagation for sale a properly qualified: (1) […]

15-15-4-5. Exemption of Purdue University From Liability

Sec. 5. Purdue University is not financially responsible for debts incurred by, damages inflicted by, contracts broken by, or claims against certifying agencies in conducting certification work under this chapter. [Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-4-6-4.] As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.6.

15-15-4-6. Withholding Certification for Dishonest Practices

Sec. 6. Purdue University or an agent of Purdue University described in this chapter may withhold certification from a grower of seeds or plant parts who is engaged in or attempting to engage in dishonest practices to evade the requirements of this chapter, including standards and rules established by Purdue University for certification under this […]

15-15-4-7. Certification of Foreign Seeds or Plant Parts

Sec. 7. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), the term “certified” must not be used in connection with seeds or plant parts that are: (1) produced outside Indiana; and (2) offered for sale in Indiana. (b) The term “certified” may be used in connection with seeds or plant parts described in subsection (a) if […]

15-15-4-8. Offense; Unauthorized Use of Certification

Sec. 8. It is a Class C infraction for a person to issue, make, use, or circulate a certification described in this chapter without the authority and approval of Purdue University or the authorized agent of Purdue University. [Pre-2008 Recodification Citation: 15-4-6-8.] As added by P.L.2-2008, SEC.6.