Sec. 1. A child fatality committee is established in each county and consists of the following members: (1) The prosecuting attorney of the county or a representative of the prosecuting attorney. (2) The county coroner or a deputy coroner of the county representing the county coroner. (3) A representative from: (A) a county health department […]
Sec. 2. (a) The child fatality committee shall meet for the first meeting of the child fatality committee at the call of: (1) the prosecuting attorney of the county, or the prosecuting attorney’s representative; (2) the county coroner or deputy coroner, if the first meeting of the child fatality committee is not called by the […]
Sec. 3. The child fatality committee shall do the following: (1) Determine whether to establish a: (A) county child fatality review team; or (B) regional child fatality review team; for the county. (2) Appoint members to the local child fatality review team in accordance with the member requirements established under this chapter. (3) Determine whether […]
Sec. 4. (a) A local child fatality review team consists of the following members: (1) The prosecuting attorney of the county or a representative of a prosecuting attorney from the area served by the local child fatality review team. (2) A county coroner or a deputy coroner from the area served by the local child […]
Sec. 5. A local child fatality review team may have additional members from the following categories: (1) A representative of a hospital located in the area served by the local child fatality review team. (2) A representative from a juvenile or probate court in the area served by the local child fatality review team. (3) […]
Sec. 6. If the local child fatality review team is a regional child fatality review team, more than one (1) of each of the members listed in section 4 of this chapter may serve on the local child fatality review team if each of the members represents a different county served by the local child […]
Sec. 7. Not later than ninety (90) days after the first meeting of the child fatality committee, the prosecuting attorney of the county or prosecuting attorney’s representative shall submit a report to the state child fatality review coordinator that includes the following information: (1) Whether the child fatality committee established a: (A) county child fatality […]