Sec. 1. (a) A person may not use the title “registered interior designer” or any title designation sign, card, or device indicating that the person is a registered interior designer unless the person is registered with the agency under this article. (b) A person may not: (1) present as the person’s own registration under this […]
Sec. 2. This article does not prevent a person from practicing interior design if the person does not use a title or designation under this chapter. As added by P.L.177-2009, SEC.37.
Sec. 3. (a) If a civil judgment is entered against an interior designer by a court with jurisdiction in a civil judicial proceeding for negligence, recklessness, willful misconduct, or other breach of a standard of care in the practice of interior design, the interior designer must, within a reasonable time, remove the designer’s name from […]