Sec. 1. Whenever the directors of any bank organized under the laws of this state, shall desire to liquidate any such bank, they may file a petition with the department of financial institutions for authority so to do. After the filing of any such petition, the said department shall authorize the directors to call a […]
Sec. 2. Upon the filing and approval of such bond, the officers of any such bank, shall without delay, proceed with the liquidation of its business by first paying all of its depositors in full, and when all of such depositors have been paid in full, the holders of the capital stock of such bank […]
Sec. 3. When the affairs of said bank shall have been completely liquidated, its officers shall at once surrender its certificate of incorporation to the secretary of state who shall cancel same, and said certificate shall thereafter be void and of no legal effect. Formerly: Acts 1943, c.39, s.3.
Sec. 4. This chapter shall not be construed to repeal any other law providing for the liquidation of banks, but it shall be construed as providing an alternative method for the liquidation of banks. Formerly: Acts 1943, c.39, s.4. As amended by P.L.263-1985, SEC.128.