32-31-10-1. Applicability
Sec. 1. This chapter applies to an eviction action regardless of when the eviction action is originally filed. As added by P.L.164-2022, SEC.2.
Sec. 1. This chapter applies to an eviction action regardless of when the eviction action is originally filed. As added by P.L.164-2022, SEC.2.
Sec. 2. For purposes of this chapter: (1) the definitions in IC 32-31-3 apply; and (2) “eviction action” means: (A) an action for possession of the rental premises (as defined in IC 32-31-7-3), including a petition for an emergency possessory order under IC 32-31-6; or (B) an action to evict the tenant from the rental […]
Sec. 3. The plaintiff in an eviction action shall file a motion to dismiss the action if the case is resolved between the parties at any time before final adjudication of the action, unless the plaintiff is seeking damages, including the retention of the tenant’s security deposit. As added by P.L.164-2022, SEC.2.
Sec. 4. (a) If, at any time after the filing of an eviction action, no action has been taken by the plaintiff to further prosecute the case for a period of at least one hundred eighty (180) days, the court shall send to the parties written notice: (1) informing the parties of the date of […]
Sec. 5. (a) As used in this section, “residential eviction diversion program” refers to any: (1) preeviction diversion program; (2) landlord-tenant settlement conference; or (3) similar program affecting residential evictions or the possession of residential rental property; that is offered or operated in Indiana on a statewide or local basis, regardless of when the program […]
Sec. 6. (a) This section applies to: (1) the Indiana housing and community development authority in its role in distributing rental assistance funds made available by the federal government in response to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic; and (2) any political subdivision that distributes rental assistance funds made available by the federal government in response […]