Sec. 1. The township trustee shall provide a courtroom and an office for each judge in a convenient location within the township that has: (1) adequate access; (2) sufficient parking facilities; (3) a separate and appropriate courtroom; (4) proper space and facilities for the bailiff, clerks, and other employees; and (5) enough room for files […]
Sec. 2. A township shall: (1) furnish all: (A) supplies, including all blanks, forms, stationery, and papers of every kind, required for use in all cases in the township small claims court; and (B) furniture, books, and other necessary equipment and supplies; and (2) provide for all necessary maintenance and upkeep of the facilities where […]
Sec. 3. (a) Each township shall provide an appropriate and competitive salary for the number of clerks for the small claims court sufficient to: (1) operate efficiently; and (2) adequately serve the citizens doing business with the court. (b) The clerks of a small claims court: (1) shall be appointed by the judge; and (2) […]
Sec. 4. (a) The voters of each township having a small claims court shall elect a constable for the small claims court at the general election every four (4) years for a term of office of four (4) years, beginning January 1 after election and continuing until a successor is elected and qualified. The ballot […]