Sec. 1. The following statutes apply to a property transaction under this chapter: (1) IC 4-20.5-7-3. (2) IC 4-20.5-7-4. (3) IC 4-20.5-7-5. (4) IC 4-20.5-7-6. (5) IC 4-20.5-7-17. (6) IC 4-20.5-7-18. As added by P.L.7-1993, SEC.7.
Sec. 2. (a) This section applies only to state property covered by navigable waters of the United States. (b) If an authorized agent of the United States requests the conveyance of state property for the site of a lighthouse, beacon, or other aid to navigation, the state may convey the property to the United States. […]