Sec. 1. As used in this chapter: (1) “Agency of the state” means any officer, agency, department, board, bureau, commission, division or institution of the state of Indiana, the trustees or board of directors of any corporation of the state or body politic of the state supported in whole or in part by appropriations from […]
Sec. 2. Whenever the governor of the state of Indiana deems it necessary or desirable for the purposes of securing the location in the state of a proposed educational, scientific, or research project or facility, the governor is authorized to transfer to the United States of America any interest in lands which the state holds […]
Sec. 3. The governor is authorized to execute all deeds or other instruments of conveyance which, in the governor’s judgment, are proper or necessary for the transfer of title to land or any interest by the state of Indiana to the United States of America under section 2 of this chapter, in the following form […]
Sec. 4. (a) When title to land that is to be transferred to the United States of America under this chapter is held in the name of the state of Indiana, and that land has not been declared surplus and is under the jurisdiction and control of any agency of the state, the state budget […]
Sec. 5. In the event that any land or interest in land which the governor determines necessary or desirable to transfer to the United States of America pursuant to this chapter is in the name of the board of trustees of a state-supported university, the board of trustees of that university may, if not inconsistent […]
Sec. 6. If the title to any land which the governor determines necessary or desirable to transfer to the United States of America pursuant to this chapter is not in the name of the state of Indiana at the time of the determination, the governor is authorized to acquire that land by gift, bequest, devise, […]
As added by Acts 1977, P.L.25, SEC.1. Repealed by P.L.17-1986, SEC.15.
As added by Acts 1977, P.L.25, SEC.1. Repealed by P.L.17-1986, SEC.15.