Sec. 0.1. The amendments made to section 5 of this chapter by P.L.184-2001 apply only to members of the public employees’ retirement fund or the Indiana state teachers’ retirement fund who retire after June 30, 2001. As added by P.L.220-2011, SEC.79.
Sec. 0.3. Actions taken before April 16, 1987, that would have been valid under section 2 of this chapter, as amended by P.L.62-1987, are legalized and validated. As added by P.L.220-2011, SEC.80.
Sec. 1. (a) This section does not apply to: (1) members of the general assembly; or (2) employees covered by section 3 of this chapter. (b) As used in this section, “employees of the state” includes: (1) employees of the judicial circuits whose compensation is paid from state funds; (2) elected and appointed state officers; […]
Sec. 1.1. (a) An individual: (1) who becomes a full-time employee of a political subdivision in a covered position after an ordinance or resolution described in subdivision (2) that is adopted by the political subdivision has been approved by the board; (2) who is employed by a political subdivision that has elected in an ordinance […]
Sec. 10. Each department shall submit to the board certified membership records containing the names, titles, rates of compensation, dates of birth, length of service, and other pertinent information required by the board about the department’s employees. A department must submit the membership record to the board not more than thirty (30) days after the […]
Sec. 11. The director shall certify to the department the names of the employees for whom deductions or payments of contributions must be made. In the preparation of payrolls, each department shall indicate: (1) the total compensation of each employee; (2) the amount of each member’s contribution; and (3) the net amount payable to each […]
Sec. 12. A certified copy of each department’s payroll or an equivalent certified list of members shall be sent to the board together with a warrant issued by the department for members’ contributions. As added by Acts 1977, P.L.53, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.41-1983, SEC.10.
Sec. 12.5. (a) An employer or department shall make the reports, membership records, or payments required by IC 5-10.3-6 or by sections 10 through 12 of this chapter: (1) not more than thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar quarter, if applicable; (2) by another due date specified in section 10 of this […]
Sec. 13. Suspension of Membership; Withdrawal of Contributions. Each member who suspends his membership and withdraws his contributions plus interest credits is covered by IC 5-10.2-3. As added by Acts 1977, P.L.53, SEC.3.
Sec. 14. A governor who makes an irrevocable choice under IC 4-3-3-1.1 to receive a retirement benefit other than the retirement benefit from the fund under IC 5-10.2 and this article waives the governor’s right to any pension benefit from the fund on and after the date of the governor’s irrevocable choice. After the governor […]
Sec. 15. A person who has fifteen (15) or more years of creditable service in the fund and has withdrawn from the fund before reaching the age of sixty-five (65) years may apply for reinstatement of eligibility, if the person: (1) makes the application before July 1, 1998, and within ninety (90) days after reaching […]
Sec. 2. The following employees may not be members of the fund: (1) Officials of a political subdivision elected by vote of the people, unless the governing body specifically provides for the participation of locally elected officials. (2) Employees occupying positions normally requiring performance of service of less than six hundred (600) hours during a […]
Sec. 2.5. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 2 of this chapter, any constable who: (1) is not otherwise eligible for membership in the public employees’ retirement fund; and (2) was enrolled erroneously in the public employees’ retirement fund as a contributing member; is eligible for membership in the public employees’ retirement fund and is entitled […]
Sec. 2.7. (a) This section applies only to an individual who: (1) began service as a police officer or firefighter and became a member of a police officers’ pension fund or firefighters’ pension fund before 1980; (2) began service in another position (referred to in this section as the “PERF position”) and was enrolled erroneously […]
Sec. 3. (a) Members of the general assembly, including members who: (1) completed their service before July 1, 1987; and (2) were not members of the fund during their service in the general assembly; are entitled to become, at their option, members of the fund. A member of the general assembly who completed his service […]
Sec. 3.5. (a) As used in this section, “commission” refers to the state lottery commission established under IC 4-30-3-1. (b) Not later than July 1, 2014, for each member or employee of the commission who: (1) is a participant in a defined benefit retirement plan offered by the commission before July 1, 2013; and (2) […]
Sec. 4. Except as provided in section 7.5 of this chapter, creditable service is determined as specified in IC 5-10.2-3-1. Members also receive credit for service as specified in this chapter. As added by Acts 1977, P.L.53, SEC.3. Amended by P.L.60-1987, SEC.2.
Sec. 4.3. (a) A member of the fund who is also a member of the public employees’ defined contribution plan may purchase and claim years of service credit in the fund subject to the following requirements: (1) The member has at least one (1) year of credited service in the fund. (2) The member has […]
Sec. 4.5. (a) As used in this section, “out-of-state service” means service in another state in a comparable position that would be creditable service if performed in Indiana. (b) Subject to subsections (c) through (f), a member may purchase and claim out-of-state service credit if the member meets the following requirements: (1) The member has […]
Sec. 4.6. (a) Subject to the provisions of this section, a member may purchase and claim service credit for the member’s prior service in a position covered by the 1925 police pension fund under IC 36-8-6, the 1937 firefighters’ pension fund under IC 36-8-7, or the 1953 police pension fund under IC 36-8-7.5 if the […]