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Home » US Law » 2022 Indiana Code » Title 5. State and Local Administration » Article 15. Preservation of Public Records » Chapter 5.1. Indiana Archives and Records Administration

5-15-5.1-1. Definitions

Sec. 1. (a) The definitions in this section apply throughout this chapter: (b) “Administration” means the Indiana archives and records administration created by this chapter. (c) “Agency” means any state office, department, division, board, bureau, commission, authority, or other separate unit of state government established by the Constitution of the State of Indiana, by law, […]

5-15-5.1-10. Duties of Agencies and Local Governments

Sec. 10. (a) Each agency and local government shall: (1) Make and preserve records containing adequate and proper documentation of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, and essential transactions of the agency and local government to protect the legal and financial rights of the government and of persons directly affected by the agency’s activities and […]

5-15-5.1-11. Title to Records

Sec. 11. Title to any record transferred to the Indiana state archives as authorized by this chapter or IC 5-15-6 shall be vested in the administration. However, title to any record deposited in the Indiana state records center shall remain with the agency transferring that record. As added by Acts 1979, P.L.40, SEC.1. Amended by […]

5-15-5.1-12. Critical Records Program

Sec. 12. The administration shall establish and maintain a critical records program for the state of Indiana. It shall determine what records are essential to the continuity of state and local government operations and shall survey agency and local government records to identify those records. The administration shall plan and implement a program for protection […]

5-15-5.1-13. Confidential Records; Destruction

Sec. 13. Records designated as confidential by law shall be so treated by the administration in the maintenance, storage, transfer, or other disposition of those records. Confidential records scheduled for destruction shall be destroyed in such a manner that they cannot be read, interpreted, or reconstructed. As added by Acts 1979, P.L.40, SEC.1. Amended by […]

5-15-5.1-15. Public Official’s Delivery of Records to Successor; Deposit of Records With Archives and Records Administration Upon Termination of State Agency or Local Government

Sec. 15. (a) A public official who has the custody of any records, excluding personal records, shall at the expiration of the public official’s term of office or appointment, deliver to the public official’s successor, or to the administration if there is no successor, all materials defined as records by this chapter. (b) Upon the […]

5-15-5.1-17. State or Local Government Official’s Delivery of Books, Records, and Other Materials to Archives and Records Administration; Copying

Sec. 17. (a) A state or local government official may turn over to the administration, in accordance with the rules of the administration for permanent preservation, any official books, records, documents, original papers, newspaper files, or printed books or materials not in current use in the official’s office. (b) Subject to subsection (c), the administration […]

5-15-5.1-18. Oversight Committee; Composition; Secretary; Compensation and Expenses

Sec. 18. (a) The oversight committee on public records consists ex officio of: (1) the governor or the governor’s designee; (2) the secretary of state or the secretary’s designee; (3) the state examiner of the state board of accounts or the state examiner’s designee; (4) the director of the state library; (5) the director of […]

5-15-5.1-19. Duties of Oversight Committee

Sec. 19. (a) It is the duty of the oversight committee to: (1) function as the policy making body for the administration; and (2) determine what records have no apparent official value but should be preserved for research or other purposes. (b) The oversight committee shall maintain a master list of all record series that […]

5-15-5.1-2. Application of Chapter

Sec. 2. (a) This chapter applies to records: (1) open to the public and carrying no classification or restriction; (2) required to be kept confidential by federal law, rule, or regulation; (3) declared confidential by the general assembly; or (4) declared confidential by a rule adopted under specific authority for confidential records granted to an […]

5-15-5.1-20. Establishment of Standards by Oversight Committee; Forms; Records Using Archival Materials, Processes, and Standards; Rules

Sec. 20. (a) The oversight committee shall: (1) establish standards for safeguarding personal information systems that shall be followed by agencies maintaining such systems; (2) approve the content of all forms that involve confidential records; and (3) require use of archival materials, processes, and standards for records that the administration determines should be preserved indefinitely. […]

5-15-5.1-4. Director; Qualifications; Staff; Salaries

Sec. 4. (a) The governor shall appoint a director as the executive head of the administration. The director must be versed in the principles of information and forms management, archives, and the affairs and organization of state government. It is the intent of the general assembly that the director be a person who is qualified […]

5-15-5.1-5. Duties and Powers of the Archives and Records Administration

Sec. 5. (a) Subject to approval by the oversight committee on public records created by section 18 of this chapter, the administration shall do the following: (1) Establish a forms management program for state government and approve the design, typography, format, logo, data sequence, form analysis, form number, and agency file specifications of each form. […]

5-15-5.1-5.3. State Archives Preservation and Reproduction Account; Establishment

Sec. 5.3. (a) The state archives preservation and reproduction account (referred to in this section as “the account”) is established as an account within the state general fund. The account shall be administered by the administration. The money in the account does not revert to any other account within the state general fund at the […]

5-15-5.1-6. Designing, Numbering, Standardizing, Consolidating, and Eliminating Forms; Consultation With Affected Agency or Local Government

Sec. 6. The administration shall design, redesign, number, standardize, consolidate, or eliminate when obsolete, all forms used by state government, apply the definition of record to any governmental materials so questioned, and determine the nature of nonrecord materials housed or maintained by an agency or local government. In performing these functions, the administration shall consult […]