Sec. 1. (a) A commission is hereby created in each county of the state which shall be known as the county commission of public records of ________________ county. (b) The county commission shall consist, ex officio, of: (1) the judge of the circuit court or the judge’s designee; (2) the president of the board of […]
Sec. 1.1. “Administration” means the Indiana archives and records administration created by IC 5-15-5.1. As added by P.L.171-2015, SEC.32.
Sec. 1.2. As used in this chapter, “county commission” or “commission” refers to the county commission of public records created by section 1 of this chapter. As added by P.L.50-1991, SEC.4.
Sec. 1.3. As used in this chapter, “Indiana state archives” has the meaning set forth in IC 5-15-5.1-1. As added by P.L.50-1991, SEC.5.
Sec. 1.4. As used in this chapter, “local government” means a political subdivision (as defined in IC 36-1-2-13). As added by P.L.50-1991, SEC.6.
Sec. 1.5. As used in this chapter, “public record” or “record” means a record (as defined in IC 5-15-5.1-1), except that “public record” or “record” means local government rather than state and local government documentation. As added by P.L.50-1991, SEC.7. Amended by P.L.171-2015, SEC.33.
Sec. 1.6. As used in this chapter, “records management” means a program to apply management techniques to the purchase, creation, utilization, maintenance, retention, preservation, and disposal of records undertaken to improve efficiency and reduce costs of record keeping, including management of the following: (1) Filing and microfilming equipment and supplies. (2) Filing and information retrieval […]
Sec. 1.7. As used in this chapter, “retention schedule” has the meaning set forth in IC 5-15-5.1-1. As added by P.L.50-1991, SEC.9.
Formerly: Acts 1939, c.91, s.10. Repealed by Acts 1978, P.L.2, SEC.521.
Sec. 11. This chapter does not apply to public records of a hospital established and operated under IC 16-22 and IC 16-23. As added by P.L.40-1992, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.2-1993, SEC.51; P.L.184-2005, SEC.1.
Sec. 12. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a local government official is not required to retain a compilation or creation of a list or report if: (1) the list or report: (A) consists solely of information contained in public records; and (B) is generated by a computer program; and (2) the compilation or […]
Sec. 2. (a) It shall be the duty of the county commission to review and approve orders under section 7 of this chapter subject to compliance with an approved retention schedule. (b) The county commission may request the assistance of the administration in developing records management programs. Formerly: Acts 1939, c.91, s.2. As amended by […]
Sec. 2.5. (a) The county commission shall implement retention schedules for use by local government officials as part of a records management program for local government public records not more than thirty (30) days after adoption by the oversight committee on public records as established by IC 5-15-5.1-18. (b) All requests to destroy, transfer, or […]
Sec. 3. No financial records or records relating to financial records shall be destroyed until the earlier of the following actions: (1) The audit of the records by the state board of accounts has been completed, report filed, and any exceptions set out in the report satisfied. (2) The financial record or records have been […]
Sec. 4. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), no records shall be destroyed, removed, or transferred from any office until a period of at least three (3) years shall have elapsed from the date on which the records were filed, nor even after that time if the records are in frequent use by the […]
Sec. 5. Public records having an official value but which are used infrequently by the officer with whom they are filed or maintained shall, on order of the commission and the consent of the administration, be removed and transferred to the Indiana state archives. Formerly: Acts 1939, c.91, s.5. As amended by P.L.50-1991, SEC.14; P.L.171-2015, […]
Sec. 6. Public records having no apparent official value, but having a historical value shall be transferred to and shall, with the consent of the administration, constitute a part of the Indiana state archives. Formerly: Acts 1939, c.91, s.6. As amended by P.L.50-1991, SEC.15; P.L.171-2015, SEC.39.
Sec. 7. (a) When any public records are ordered to be destroyed, removed, or transferred, the commission shall enter an order to that effect on its minutes, stating the date on which the order is entered and a general description of the public records which the commission orders to be destroyed, removed, or transferred. (b) […]
Sec. 8. A public official or other person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally destroys or damages any public record commits a Level 6 felony unless: (1) the commission shall have given its approval in writing that the public records may be destroyed; (2) the commission shall have entered its approval for destruction of the public […]
Formerly: Acts 1939, c.91, s.9; Acts 1955, c.319, s.3. As amended by P.L.25-1986, SEC.88. Repealed by P.L.50-1991, SEC.19.