Sec. 1. Legislative Findings and Declaration of Purpose. It is hereby found and declared that in this state there is a shortage of decent, safe and sanitary housing that most people can afford; that the shortage of such housing is a threat to the health, safety, morals and welfare of Indiana residents and is not […]
Sec. 10. Signatures of Officers on Bonds─Validity of Bonds. The bonds and any coupons shall bear the manual or facsimile signatures of the executive officer and the recording officer of the county or municipality and any coupons shall bear the facsimile signature of one (1) or more of these officers. These signatures shall be the […]
Sec. 11. Lien of Bonds. Bonds issued under this chapter and the interest on them may be secured by a pledge of or lien upon the revenues and receipts derived from or in connection with the home mortgages or from any notes or other obligations of lending institutions with respect to which the bonds have […]
Sec. 12. Liability for Bonds. All bonds issued under this chapter and the interest on them are limited obligations of the county or municipality payable solely from the revenues and receipts derived from or in connection with the home mortgages, from any notes or other obligations of lending institutions with respect to which these bonds […]
Sec. 13. (a) A requirement of competitive bidding or restriction imposed on the procedure for award of contracts for the sale or other disposition of property of the county or municipality is not applicable to any action taken under this chapter. (b) This subsection applies if a county or municipality sells or disposes of real […]
Sec. 14. All bonds and interim receipts or certificates, proceeds received by a holder from the sale of them to the extent of the holder’s cost of acquisition, proceeds received upon redemption prior to maturity, proceeds received at maturity, and interest thereon, are exempt from taxation in the state of Indiana for all purposes except […]
Sec. 15. Tax Exemption. All home mortgages and notes or other obligations of lending institutions executed pursuant to this chapter and the revenues and receipts derived by a county or municipality therefrom are exempt from all taxation in the state of Indiana. As added by Acts 1979, P.L.47, SEC.1. Amended by Acts 1981, P.L.62, SEC.12.
Sec. 16. All bonds and interim receipts or certificates authorized pursuant to this chapter are exempt from the provisions of IC 23-19 or other securities registration laws. As added by Acts 1979, P.L.47, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.27-2007, SEC.5.
Sec. 17. Antitrust Exemption. Transactions under this chapter are exempt from the provisions of IC 24-1 or any other antitrust law, present or future, of the state. As added by Acts 1979, P.L.47, SEC.1.
Sec. 18. Powers Conferred as Additional and Supplemental; Limitations Imposed-Effect. The powers conferred by this chapter are in addition and supplemental to, and the limitations imposed by this chapter shall not affect, the powers conferred by any other law of this state. Mortgages may be acquired, purchased and financed, and bonds may be issued under […]
Sec. 2. As used in this chapter, each of the following shall have the meaning indicated unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: (1) “Bonds” means the revenue bonds authorized to be issued under this chapter and includes notes and any and all other limited obligations of a county or municipality payable as […]
Sec. 3. Application. This chapter applies to counties, cities, towns, and consolidated cities. As added by Acts 1979, P.L.47, SEC.1. Amended by Acts 1981, P.L.62, SEC.2.
Sec. 4. Income Limits. (a) The governing body shall establish by ordinance an aggregate acceptable income amount for the year immediately preceding the calendar year in which a mortgage is requested, for the mortgagor and all individuals, except minor children of the mortgagor, who intend to reside with the mortgagor in one (1) dwelling unit. […]
Sec. 5. (a) Bonds shall not be issued by a county, city, town, or consolidated city for home mortgages under this chapter if at the time of issuance and delivery there remains unexpended or uncommitted more than five percent (5%) of the net proceeds of a prior bond issued by that county, city, town, or […]
Sec. 6. Administration. In cities, the mayor shall designate a trustee institution to administer the proceeds of bond issues under this chapter; in counties and towns, the designation shall be made by the governing body. All lending institutions may participate under this chapter. The proceeds of each bond issue shall be apportioned as provided in […]
Sec. 7. Powers. A county or municipality to which this chapter applies has all powers necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter including, but not limited to, the power: (1) to purchase, contract and enter into advance commitments to purchase, home mortgages owned by lending institutions at such prices and upon such other terms […]
Sec. 8. (a) Bonds shall not be issued under this chapter unless these bonds are rated “A” or better by one (1) of the nationally recognized rating agencies or unless these bonds are sold in a transaction not involving any public offering within the meaning of Section 4(2) of the federal Securities Act of 1933, […]
Sec. 9. Covenants in Bonds. (a) Any ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds or related trust indenture may contain covenants as to: (1) the use and disposition of the revenues and receipts from any home mortgages for which the bonds are to be issued, including the creation and maintenance of reserves; (2) the insurance to […]