Sec. 25. Notwithstanding any other law, the department shall deposit the amounts collected under a tax amnesty program carried out under section 17 of this chapter after June 30, 2015, as follows: (1) County income tax collected under IC 6-3.5-1.1, IC 6-3.5-6, or IC 6-3.5-7 (all repealed January 1, 2017) shall be distributed to counties […]
Sec. 26. The department shall, before September 1 of each year, submit a report to the interim study committee on fiscal policy established by IC 2-5-1.3-4 summarizing the department’s systems modifications concerning geographic information systems mapping of local income tax collection for purposes of allocating local income tax based on the residency of a taxpayer. […]
Sec. 27. (a) The appropriate county officer, as designated by the county executive, in each county shall, before September 1, 2021, and before September 1 of every year thereafter, submit parcel level data, in a standard developed by the state GIS officer pursuant to IC 4-23-7.3-14, to the state GIS officer. This data may be […]
Sec. 28. (a) If the department determines that an amount of a listed tax has been distributed to a county, taxing district, or taxing unit in error or determines that all or part of the distribution was refunded subsequent to the distribution, the department shall notify the county treasurer and the county auditor of the […]
Sec. 3. (a) The department shall adopt, under IC 4-22-2, rules governing: (1) the administration, collection, and enforcement of the listed taxes; (2) the interpretation of the statutes governing the listed taxes; (3) the procedures relating to the listed taxes; and (4) the methods of valuing the items subject to the listed taxes. (b) No […]
Sec. 3.5. (a) Subject to subsection (b), the department shall publish in the Indiana Register under IC 4-22-7-7 and make available for public inspection and copying under IC 5-14-3 information bulletins, revenue rulings (including, after complying with subsections (b) through (e), letters of findings), and other guidelines that: (1) are issued by the department; and […]
Sec. 4. The department has the sole authority to furnish forms used in the administration and collection of the listed taxes, including reporting of information in an electronic format. As added by Acts 1980, P.L.61, SEC.1. Amended by P.L.36-1984, SEC.2; P.L.182-2009(ss), SEC.248.
Sec. 5. All notices, summons, warrants, waivers, demands, or other documents requiring an authorizing signature by the department must be signed by the commissioner or his designee; and when that document is signed it is an official department document. As added by Acts 1980, P.L.61, SEC.1.
Sec. 6. (a) The department shall maintain, for a period of at least three (3) years, a record of all monies received and disbursed, and copies of all returns filed with the department. (b) The state board of accounts shall audit the department’s record of receipts and disbursements. As added by Acts 1980, P.L.61, SEC.1. […]
Sec. 7. (a) The department may enter into reciprocal agreements with the taxing officials of the United States government or with the taxing officials of other state governments to furnish and receive information relevant to the administration and enforcement of the listed taxes. However, the department may not furnish information obtained from federal returns or […]
Sec. 7.1. (a) As used in this section, “fiscal officer” means: (1) a fiscal officer (as defined in IC 36-1-2-7); and (2) in the case of a county, the county treasurer. (b) The department shall enter into an agreement with the fiscal officer of an entity that has adopted an innkeeper’s tax, a food and […]
Sec. 8. (a) The department may prescribe qualifications a person must have to represent a taxpayer before the department. However, a person may not represent a taxpayer before the department, unless: (1) the taxpayer is present at all times when the representation occurs; or (2) the person representing the taxpayer has a properly executed power […]
Sec. 8.5. (a) This section applies to a hearing conducted by the department under this article. (b) A hearing shall be conducted at a time and a location that is reasonable and convenient to the taxpayer whenever possible. (c) The department shall notify the taxpayer before the hearing that the taxpayer is entitled to: (1) […]
Sec. 9. The state of Indiana shall provide suitable office space in Marion County, where the department shall maintain its primary offices. The department may rent, lease, or otherwise acquire additional office space at locations outside Marion County, if the department feels that efficiency or economy is best served by locating branch offices at those […]