100.1 Fire marshal. The chief officer of the division of state fire marshal in the department of public safety shall be known as the state fire marshal. The fire marshal’s duties shall be as follows: 1. To enforce all laws of the state relating to the suppression of arson, and to apprehend those persons suspected […]
100.10 Authority to enter and inspect. The state fire marshal, and the fire marshal’s designated subordinates, in the performance of their duties, shall have authority to enter any building or premises and to examine the same and the contents thereof. [S13, §2468-i; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §1632; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, […]
100.11 Fire escapes. It shall be the duty of the fire marshal to enforce all laws relating to fire escapes. [C39, §1632.1; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §100.11]
100.12 Authority for inspection — orders. The chief of a fire department or an authorized subordinate who is trained in fire prevention safety standards may enter a building or premises at a reasonable hour to examine the building or premises and its contents. The examining official shall order the correction of a condition which is […]
100.13 Violations — orders. 1. If a person has violated or is violating a provision of this chapter or a rule adopted pursuant to this chapter, the state fire marshal, the chief of any fire department, or the fire prevention officer of a fire department organized under chapter 400 may issue an order directing the […]
100.14 Legal proceedings — penalties — injunctive relief. At the request of the state fire marshal, the county attorney shall institute any legal proceedings on behalf of the state necessary to obtain compliance or enforce the penalty provisions of this chapter or rules or orders adopted or issued pursuant to this chapter, including, but not […]
100.15 Hearing on review. Repealed by 94 Acts, ch 1078, §9.
100.16 Judicial review — court costs. 1. Judicial review of actions of the fire marshal may be sought in accordance with the terms of the Iowa administrative procedure Act pursuant to chapter 17A. If legal proceedings have been instituted pursuant to section 100.14, all related issues which could otherwise be raised in a proceeding for […]
100.17 Bond — suspension of order. Repealed by 94 Acts, ch 1078, §9.
100.18 Smoke detectors. 1. As used in this section: a. “Carbon monoxide alarm” means a device which detects carbon monoxide and which incorporates an alarm-sounding unit operated from a power supply either in the unit or obtained at the point of installation. b. “Dormitory” means a residential building or portion of a building at an […]
100.19 Consumer fireworks seller licensing — penalty — fund. 1. As used in this section: a. “APA 87-1” means the American pyrotechnics association standard 87-1, as published in December 2001. b. “Community group” means a nonprofit entity that is open for membership to the general public which is exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to […]
100.19A Consumer fireworks wholesaler — registration — penalty. 1. For purposes of this section: a. “Consumer fireworks” means first-class consumer fireworks and second-class consumer fireworks, as those terms are defined in section 100.19. b. “Wholesaler” means a person who engages in the business of selling or distributing consumer fireworks for the purpose of resale in […]
100.2 Duties of fire officials. The chief of the fire department or the chief’s designee of every city or township in which a fire department is established or the chief of the fire department or the chief’s designee responding to every township fire where there is a contract for fire protection in effect shall investigate […]
100.20 County attorney. The county attorney shall represent the state and the fire marshal, but not to the exclusion of any other attorney who may be engaged in said cause. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §1640; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §100.20] Referred to in §331.756(22)
100.23 Costs. Repealed by 94 Acts, ch 1078, §9.
100.26 Time for compliance with order — penalty. If a petition of review has not been filed or the court on review has affirmed or modified an order for the removal, destruction, or repair of a building, or the removal of any of its contents, or the change of any of its conditions, the owner, […]
100.27 Repealed by 94 Acts, ch 1078, §9.
100.28 Repealed by 94 Acts, ch 1078, §9.
100.29 Repealed by 94 Acts, ch 1078, §9.
100.3 Reports of fires and emergency responses. When death, serious bodily injury, or property damage in excess of two hundred thousand dollars has occurred as a result of a fire, or if arson is suspected, the fire official required by section 100.2 to make fire investigations, shall notify the state fire marshal’s division immediately. For […]