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Section 103.1 – Definitions.

103.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Apprentice electrician” means any person who, as such person’s principal occupation, is engaged in learning and assisting in the installation, alteration, and repair of electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment as an employee of a person licensed under this chapter, and who is […]

Section 103.10A – Inactive master electrician license.

103.10A Inactive master electrician license. The board may by rule create an inactive master electrician license and establish a fee for such a license. An applicant for an inactive master electrician license shall, at a minimum, meet the requirements of this chapter and requirements established by the board by rule for licensure as a class […]

Section 103.12 – Class A journeyman electrician license qualifications — class B journeyman electrician license.

103.12 Class A journeyman electrician license qualifications — class B journeyman electrician license. 1. An applicant for a class A journeyman electrician license shall have successfully completed an apprenticeship training program registered by the office of apprenticeship of the United States department of labor in accordance with the standards established by that department or shall […]

Section 103.13 – Special electrician license — qualifications.

103.13 Special electrician license — qualifications. 1. The board shall by rule provide for the issuance of special electrician licenses authorizing the licensee to engage in a limited class or classes of electrical work, which class or classes shall be specified on the license. Each licensee shall have experience, acceptable to the board, in each […]

Section 103.14 – Alarm installations.

103.14 Alarm installations. A person who is not licensed pursuant to this chapter may plan, lay out, or install electrical wiring, apparatus, and equipment for components of alarm systems that operate at seventy volt/amps (VA) or less, only if the person is certified to conduct such work pursuant to chapter 100C. Installations of alarm systems […]

Section 103.15 – Apprentice electrician — unclassified person.

103.15 Apprentice electrician — unclassified person. 1. A person shall be licensed by the board and pay a licensing fee to work as an apprentice electrician while participating in an apprenticeship training program registered by the office of apprenticeship of the United States department of labor in accordance with the standards established by that department. […]

Section 103.16 – License examinations.

103.16 License examinations. 1. Examinations for licensure shall be offered as often as deemed necessary by the board, but no less than one time per quarter. The scope of the examinations and the methods of procedure shall be prescribed by the board. The examinations given by the board shall be the Experior assessment examination, or […]

Section 103.17 – Disclosure of confidential information — criminal penalty.

103.17 Disclosure of confidential information — criminal penalty. 1. A member of the board shall not disclose information relating to the following: a. Criminal history or prior misconduct of an applicant. b. Information relating to the contents of an examination. c. Information relating to examination results other than a final score except for information about […]

Section 103.18 – License renewal — continuing education.

103.18 License renewal — continuing education. In order to renew a class A master electrician, class B master electrician, class A journeyman electrician, or class B journeyman electrician license issued pursuant to this chapter, the licensee shall be required to complete eighteen contact hours of continuing education courses approved by the board during the three-year […]

Section 103.19 – Licenses — expiration — application — fees.

103.19 Licenses — expiration — application — fees. 1. Licenses issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire every three years, with the exception of licenses for apprentice electricians and unclassified persons, which shall expire on an annual basis. All license applications shall include the applicant’s social security number, which shall be maintained as a confidential […]

Section 103.1A – Term “commercial” applied.

103.1A Term “commercial” applied. As used in this chapter: 1. “Commercial” refers to a use, installation, structure, or premises associated with a place of business where goods, wares, services, or merchandise is stored or offered for sale on a wholesale or retail basis. 2. “Commercial” refers to a residence only if the residence is regularly […]

Section 103.2 – Electrical examining board created.

103.2 Electrical examining board created. 1. An electrical examining board is created within the division of state fire marshal of the department of public safety. The board shall consist of eleven voting members appointed by the governor and subject to senate confirmation, all of whom shall be residents of this state. 2. The members shall […]

Section 103.20 – Licensee status — employment — death.

103.20 Licensee status — employment — death. 1. Individuals performing electrical work in a capacity for which licensure is required pursuant to this chapter shall be employed by the authority or company obtaining a permit for the performance of such work, and shall possess a valid license issued by the board. 2. Upon the death […]

Section 103.21 – Licenses without examination — reciprocity with other states.

103.21 Licenses without examination — reciprocity with other states. To the extent that any other state which provides for the licensing of electricians provides for similar action, the board may grant licenses, without examination, of the same grade and class to an electrician who has been licensed by such other state for at least one […]

Section 103.22 – Chapter inapplicability.

103.22 Chapter inapplicability. The provisions of this chapter shall not: 1. Apply to a person licensed as an engineer pursuant to chapter 542B, licensed as an architect pursuant to chapter 544A, licensed as a landscape architect pursuant to chapter 544B, licensed as a manufactured or mobile home retailer or certified as a manufactured or mobile […]

Section 103.23 – Electrical installations — subject to inspection.

103.23 Electrical installations — subject to inspection. The inspection and enforcement provisions of this chapter shall apply to the following: 1. All new electrical installations for commercial or industrial applications, including installations both inside and outside of buildings, and for public use buildings and facilities and any installation at the request of the property owner. […]

Section 103.24 – State inspection — inapplicability in certain political subdivisions — electrical inspectors — certificate of qualification.

103.24 State inspection — inapplicability in certain political subdivisions — electrical inspectors — certificate of qualification. 1. The board shall establish by rule standards for the certification and decertification of electrical inspectors appointed by the state or a political subdivision to enforce this chapter or any applicable resolution or ordinance within the inspector’s jurisdiction, and […]