84A.1 Department of workforce development — director — divisions. 1. The department of workforce development is created to administer the laws of this state relating to unemployment compensation insurance, job placement and training, employment safety, labor standards, and workers’ compensation. 2. The chief executive officer of the department of workforce development is the director who […]
84A.10 New employment opportunity program. The department of workforce development shall implement and administer a new employment opportunity program to assist individuals in underutilized segments of Iowa’s workforce, including but not limited to the persons with physical or mental disabilities, persons convicted of a crime, or minority persons between the ages of twelve and twenty-five, […]
84A.11 Nursing workforce data clearinghouse. 1. a. The department of workforce development shall establish a nursing workforce data clearinghouse for the purpose of collecting and maintaining data from all available and appropriate sources regarding Iowa’s nursing workforce. b. The department of workforce development shall have access to all data regarding Iowa’s nursing workforce collected or […]
84A.12 Summer youth intern pilot program. 1. A summer youth intern pilot program is established within the department of workforce development to provide youths who are at risk of not graduating from high school, who are from low-income households, who are from communities underrepresented in the Iowa workforce, or who otherwise face barriers to success […]
84A.13 Iowa employer innovation program — fund. 1. For purposes of this section, “high-demand job” means a job identified by the workforce development board or a community college pursuant to section 84A.1B, subsection 14, as a high-demand job. 2. Subject to an appropriation of funds by the general assembly for this purpose, the Iowa employer […]
84A.13A Iowa child care challenge program — fund. 1. For purposes of this section, “consortium” means a consortium of two or more employers or businesses, at least one of which must be a private employer. 2. The Iowa child care challenge program is established in the department of workforce development. The department shall administer the […]
84A.14 Criminal history checks. A current or prospective contractor, vendor, employee, or any other individual performing work for the department of workforce development who will have access to federal tax information shall be subject to a national criminal history check through the federal bureau of investigation at least once every ten years if such a […]
84A.1A Workforce development board. 1. An Iowa workforce development board is created, consisting of thirty-three voting members and thirteen nonvoting members. a. The voting members of the Iowa workforce development board shall include the following: (1) The governor. (2) One state senator appointed by the president of the senate after consultation with the majority leader […]
84A.1B Duties of the workforce development board. The workforce development board shall do all of the following: 1. Develop and coordinate the implementation of a four-year comprehensive state workforce development plan of specific needs, goals, strategies, and policies for the state. This plan shall be updated every two years and revised as necessary. All other […]
84A.1C Workforce development corporation. 1. Nonprofit corporation for receiving and disbursing funds. The Iowa workforce development board may organize a corporation under the provisions of chapter 504 for the purpose of receiving and disbursing funds from public or private sources to be used to further workforce development in this state and to accomplish the mission […]
84A.2 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter: 1. “Chief elected official” means any of the following: a. The chief elected executive officer of a unit of general local government in a local workforce development area. b. If a local workforce development area includes more than one unit of general local government, the individuals designated under […]
84A.3 Local workforce development plans. 1. A local workforce development board shall, in partnership with the chief elected official, develop a comprehensive four-year local workforce development plan. The local workforce development board shall submit the workforce development plan to the department of workforce development in the manner and form determined by the department. The local […]
84A.4 Local workforce development boards. 1. Establishment. Except as provided in subsection 3, paragraph “a”, the department of workforce development shall establish and certify a local workforce development board in each local workforce development area of the state to carry out the functions described in subsection 4 and any functions specified for the local workforce […]
84A.5 Department of workforce development — primary responsibilities. The department of workforce development, in consultation with the workforce development board and the local workforce development boards, has the primary responsibilities set out in this section. 1. The department of workforce development shall develop and implement a workforce development system which increases the skills of the […]
84A.6 Job placement and training programs. 1. The department of workforce development, in consultation with the workforce development board and the local workforce development boards, the department of education, and the economic development authority, shall work together to develop policies encouraging coordination between skill development, labor exchange, and economic development activities. 2. a. The director […]
84A.7 Iowa conservation corps. 1. Definitions. As used in this section, unless the context otherwise requires: a. “Account” means the Iowa conservation corps account. b. “Corps” means the Iowa conservation corps. 2. Iowa conservation corps established. The Iowa conservation corps is established in this state to provide meaningful and productive public service jobs for youth, […]
84A.8 Workforce investment program. A workforce investment program is established to enable more Iowans to enter or reenter the workforce. The workforce investment program shall provide training and support services to population groups that have historically faced barriers to employment. The department of workforce development shall administer the workforce investment program and shall adopt rules […]
84A.9 Statewide mentoring program. A statewide mentoring program is established to recruit, screen, train, and match individuals in a mentoring relationship. The department of workforce development shall administer the program in collaboration with the departments of human services, education, and human rights. The availability of the program is subject to the funding appropriated for the […]