Section 89B.1 – Short title.
89B.1 Short title. This chapter may be cited as the “Hazardous Chemicals Risks Right to Know Act”. 84 Acts, ch 1085, §1 C85, §455D.1 C87, §89B.1
89B.1 Short title. This chapter may be cited as the “Hazardous Chemicals Risks Right to Know Act”. 84 Acts, ch 1085, §1 C85, §455D.1 C87, §89B.1
89B.10 Repealed by 88 Acts, ch 1042, §8.
89B.11 Repealed by 88 Acts, ch 1042, §8.
89B.12 Community information and complaints on hazardous chemicals. 1. The public has a right to be informed about the presence of hazardous chemicals in the community and the potential health and environmental hazards that the chemicals pose. 2. The division of labor services shall receive and handle requests for information and complaints under this subchapter […]
89B.13 Accessibility of records. 1. Except as provided in subsection 2, records that are required to be kept by employers under this chapter shall be accessible to the public. As used in this section “accessible to the public” means either of the following: a. The records are filed with the division. b. The records are […]
89B.14 Signs identifying hazardous chemicals. If a building or structure has a floor space of five thousand square feet or less, an employer shall post signs on the outside of the building or structure identifying the type of each hazardous chemical contained in the building or structure. If the building has more than five thousand […]
89B.15 Information for emergency response departments. 1. At the same time that an employer provides the information to employees required under subchapter II, the employer shall submit to the local fire department a list of hazardous chemicals which are consistently generated by, used by, stored at, or transported from the employer’s facility. The information shall […]
89B.17 Recommendations. 1. The director of public health, the labor commissioner, and the director of the department of natural resources or the director’s designee under written signatures of all these parties may recommend any of the following actions: a. Expansion of the federal occupational safety and health administration’s list of hazardous chemicals or reporting required […]
89B.2 Legislative findings. The general assembly finds as follows: 1. The proliferation of hazardous chemicals in the environment poses a growing threat to the public health, safety, and welfare. 2. The constantly increasing number and variety of hazardous chemicals and the many routes of exposure to them make it difficult and expensive to adequately monitor […]
89B.3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Division” means the division of labor services of the department of workforce development created under section 84A.1. 2. “Emergency response department” means any governmental department which might be reasonably expected to be required to respond to an emergency involving a hazardous chemical, […]
89B.4 Repealed by 88 Acts, ch 1042, §8.
89B.5 Repealed by 88 Acts, ch 1042, §8.
89B.6 Liability of state or political subdivision. The state or any of its political subdivisions is not liable for damages in any claim pursuant to chapter 669 or chapter 670 based upon an act or omission of an employee of the state or political subdivision when the employee exercised due care in the execution of […]
89B.7 Repealed by 88 Acts, ch 1042, §8.
89B.8 Information required. 1. An employee in this state has the right to be informed about the hazardous chemicals to which the employee may be exposed in the workplace, the potential health hazards of the hazardous chemicals, and the proper handling techniques for the hazardous chemicals. An employer shall provide or make available to an […]
89B.9 Employee rights. An employer shall not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against an employee because the employee has filed a complaint or brought an action under this section or has cooperated in bringing an action against an employer. An employee may file a complaint with the labor commissioner alleging discharge or discrimination […]