97D.1 Guiding goals for future changes in public retirement systems — social security — portability. 1. The general assembly declares that legislative proposals for changes in specific public retirement systems should be considered within the context of all public retirement systems within the state, with emphasis on equity and equality among the systems. The following […]
97D.2 Analysis of cost of proposed changes. When the public retirement systems committee established by section 97D.4 or a standing committee of the senate or house of representatives recommends a proposal for a change in a public retirement system within this state, the committee shall require the development of actuarial information concerning the costs of […]
97D.3 Newly hired peace officers, police officers, and fire fighters — referendum. 1. As soon as possible after July 1, 1990, the department of administrative services, in cooperation with the board of trustees of the public safety peace officers’ retirement system and the board of trustees for the statewide fire and police retirement system created […]
97D.4 Public retirement systems committee established. 1. A public retirement systems committee is established. a. The committee shall consist of three members of the senate appointed by the majority leader of the senate, two members of the senate appointed by the minority leader of the senate, three members of the house of representatives appointed by […]
97D.5 Public retirement systems — annual actuarial valuations — required information. 1. For purposes of this section, “public retirement system” means the public safety peace officers’ retirement system created in chapter 97A, the Iowa public employees’ retirement system created in chapter 97B, the statewide fire and police retirement system created in chapter 411, or the […]