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Section 99F.1 – Definitions.

99F.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Adjusted gross receipts” means the gross receipts on gambling games less winnings paid to wagerers on gambling games and less promotional play receipts on gambling games. However, for each fiscal year during the time period beginning July 1, 2021, and ending June […]

Section 99F.10 – Regulatory fee — local fees — initial license fee.

99F.10 Regulatory fee — local fees — initial license fee. 1. A qualified sponsoring organization conducting gambling games on an excursion gambling boat or gambling structure licensed under section 99F.7 shall pay the tax imposed by section 99F.11. 2. An excursion gambling boat or gambling structure licensee shall pay to the commission a regulatory fee […]

Section 99F.13 – Annual audit of licensee operations.

99F.13 Annual audit of licensee operations. Within ninety days after the end of the licensee’s fiscal year, the licensee shall transmit to the commission an audit of the licensee’s total gambling operations, including an itemization of all expenses and subsidies. For a licensed subsidiary of a parent company, an audit of the parent company meets […]

Section 99F.14 – Annual report of commission.

99F.14 Annual report of commission. The commission shall make an annual report to the governor, for the period ending December 31 of each year. Included in the report shall be an account of the commission’s actions, its financial position and results of operation under this chapter, the practical results attained under this chapter, and any […]

Section 99F.15 – Prohibited activities — penalties.

99F.15 Prohibited activities — penalties. 1. A person is guilty of an aggravated misdemeanor for any of the following: a. Operating a gambling excursion where wagering is used or to be used without a license issued by the commission. b. Operating a gambling excursion where wagering is permitted other than in the manner specified by […]

Section 99F.16 – Forfeiture of property.

99F.16 Forfeiture of property. 1. Anything of value, including all traceable proceeds including but not limited to real and personal property, moneys, negotiable instruments, securities, and conveyances, is subject to forfeiture to the state of Iowa if the item was used for any of the following: a. In exchange for a bribe intended to affect […]

Section 99F.17 – Distributors and manufacturers — licenses.

99F.17 Distributors and manufacturers — licenses. 1. A manufacturer or distributor of gambling games or implements of gambling shall annually apply for a license upon a form prescribed by the commission before the first day of April in each year and shall submit the appropriate license fee. An applicant shall provide the necessary information as […]

Section 99F.17A – Inspection of gambling games or implements of gambling.

99F.17A Inspection of gambling games or implements of gambling. A licensed manufacturer or distributor of gambling games or implements of gambling shall deliver the gambling games or implements of gambling to a location approved by the commission for inspection and approval prior to being placed in operation. Gambling games or implements of gambling acquired pursuant […]

Section 99F.18 – Tax on winnings.

99F.18 Tax on winnings. All winnings derived from slot machines operated pursuant to this chapter are Iowa earned income and are subject to state and federal income tax laws. An amount deducted from winnings for payment of the state tax, pursuant to section 422.16, subsection 1, shall be remitted to the department of revenue on […]

Section 99F.19 – Setoff.

99F.19 Setoff. 1. A licensee or a person acting on behalf of a licensee shall be provided electronic access to the names of the persons indebted to a claimant agency pursuant to the process established pursuant to section 99F.4, subsection 26. The electronic access provided by the claimant agency shall include access to the names […]

Section 99F.2 – Scope of provisions.

99F.2 Scope of provisions. This chapter does not apply to the pari-mutuel system of wagering used or intended to be used in connection with the horse-race or dog-race meetings as authorized under chapter 99D, internet fantasy sports contests authorized under chapter 99E, lottery or lotto games authorized under chapter 99G, or bingo or games of […]

Section 99F.20 – Gaming regulatory revolving fund.

99F.20 Gaming regulatory revolving fund. 1. A gaming regulatory revolving fund is created in the state treasury under the control of the department of inspections and appeals. The fund shall consist of fees collected and deposited into the fund paid by licensees pursuant to section 99D.14, subsection 2, paragraph “c”, fees paid by licensees pursuant […]

Section 99F.3 – Gambling games and sports wagering authorized.

99F.3 Gambling games and sports wagering authorized. The system of wagering on a gambling game and sports wagering as provided by this chapter is legal, when conducted by a licensee as provided in this chapter. 89 Acts, ch 67, §3; 2007 Acts, ch 188, §7; 2019 Acts, ch 132, §5, 22, 23

Section 99F.4 – Powers.

99F.4 Powers. The commission shall have full jurisdiction over and shall supervise all gambling operations governed by this chapter. The commission shall have the following powers and shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to implement this chapter: 1. To investigate applicants and determine the eligibility of applicants for a license and to select among […]

Section 99F.4A – Gambling games at pari-mutuel racetracks — fees and taxes.

99F.4A Gambling games at pari-mutuel racetracks — fees and taxes. 1. Upon application, the commission shall license the licensee of a pari-mutuel dog or horse racetrack to conduct gambling games at a pari-mutuel racetrack enclosure subject to the provisions of this chapter and rules adopted pursuant to this chapter relating to gambling except as otherwise […]

Section 99F.4B – Rules.

99F.4B Rules. The department of inspections and appeals shall cooperate to the maximum extent possible with the division of criminal investigation in adopting rules relating to the gaming operations in this chapter and chapters 99D and 99E. 94 Acts, ch 1199, §46; 2019 Acts, ch 132, §37, 45, 46

Section 99F.4C – Gambling games prohibition area.

99F.4C Gambling games prohibition area. 1. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or chapter 99D to the contrary, the commission shall not grant a license to conduct gambling games to a facility to be located in the applicable area as described in this section. 2. For purposes of this section, the “applicable area” means that […]

Section 99F.4D – Gambling games at gambling structures — requirements — licensing.

99F.4D Gambling games at gambling structures — requirements — licensing. 1. Unless otherwise provided by this chapter, the provisions of this chapter applicable to an excursion gambling boat shall also apply to a gambling structure. 2. A licensee authorized to conduct gambling games on an excursion boat may convert the license to authorize the conducting […]