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Section 99G.1 – Title.

99G.1 Title. This chapter may be cited as the “Iowa Lottery Authority Act”. 2003 Acts, ch 178, §63, 121; 2003 Acts, ch 179, §142

Section 99G.10 – Authority personnel.

99G.10 Authority personnel. 1. All employees of the authority shall be considered public employees. 2. Subject to the approval of the board, the chief executive officer shall have the sole power to designate particular employees as key personnel, but may take advice from the department of administrative services in making any such designations. All key […]

Section 99G.11 – Conflicts of interest.

99G.11 Conflicts of interest. 1. A member of the board, any officer, or other employee of the authority shall not directly or indirectly, individually, as a member of a partnership or other association, or as a shareholder, director, or officer of a corporation have an interest in a business that contracts for the operation or […]

Section 99G.12 – Self-service kiosks.

99G.12 Self-service kiosks. 1. The authority may operate self-service kiosks to dispense authorized lottery tickets or products in locations where lottery games and lottery products are sold, subject to the requirements of this chapter. 2. A self-service kiosk operated to dispense authorized lottery tickets or products shall meet all of the following requirements: a. The […]

Section 99G.2 – Statement of purpose and intent.

99G.2 Statement of purpose and intent. The general assembly finds and declares the following: 1. That net proceeds of lottery games conducted pursuant to this chapter should be transferred to the general fund of the state in support of a variety of programs and services. 2. That lottery games are an entrepreneurial enterprise and that […]

Section 99G.22 – Vendor background review.

99G.22 Vendor background review. 1. The authority shall investigate the financial responsibility, security, and integrity of any lottery system vendor who is a finalist in submitting a bid, proposal, or offer as part of a major procurement contract. Before a major procurement contract is awarded, the division of criminal investigation of the department of public […]

Section 99G.23 – Vendor bonding, tax filing, and competitive bidding.

99G.23 Vendor bonding, tax filing, and competitive bidding. 1. The authority may purchase, lease, or lease-purchase such goods or services as are necessary for effectuating the purposes of this chapter. The authority may make procurements that integrate functions such as lottery game design, lottery ticket distribution to retailers, supply of goods and services, and advertising. […]

Section 99G.24 – Retailer compensation — licensing.

99G.24 Retailer compensation — licensing. 1. The general assembly recognizes that to conduct a successful lottery, the authority must develop and maintain a statewide network of lottery retailers that will serve the public convenience and promote the sale of tickets or shares and the playing of lottery games while ensuring the integrity of the lottery […]

Section 99G.25 – License not assignable.

99G.25 License not assignable. Any lottery retailer license certificate or contract shall not be transferable or assignable. The authority may issue a temporary license when deemed in the best interests of the state. A lottery retailer shall not contract with any person for lottery goods or services, except with the approval of the board. 2003 […]

Section 99G.26 – Retailer bonding.

99G.26 Retailer bonding. The authority may require any retailer to post an appropriate bond, as determined by the authority, using a cash bond or an insurance company acceptable to the authority. 2003 Acts, ch 178, §79, 121; 2003 Acts, ch 179, §142

Section 99G.28 – Proceeds held in trust.

99G.28 Proceeds held in trust. All proceeds from the sale of the lottery tickets or shares shall constitute a trust fund until paid to the authority directly, through electronic funds transfer to the authority, or through the authority’s authorized collection representative. A lottery retailer and officers of a lottery retailer’s business shall have a fiduciary […]

Section 99G.29 – Retailer rental calculations — lottery ticket sales treatment.

99G.29 Retailer rental calculations — lottery ticket sales treatment. If a lottery retailer’s rental payments for the business premises are contractually computed, in whole or in part, on the basis of a percentage of retail sales and such computation of retail sales is not explicitly defined to include sales of tickets or shares in a […]

Section 99G.3 – Definitions.

99G.3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context clearly requires otherwise: 1. “Administrative expenses” includes, but is not limited to, personnel costs, travel, purchase of equipment, and all other expenses not directly associated with the operation or sale of a game. 2. “Authority” means the Iowa lottery authority. 3. “Board” means the board […]

Section 99G.30 – Ticket sales requirements — penalties.

99G.30 Ticket sales requirements — penalties. 1. Lottery tickets or shares may be distributed by the authority for promotional purposes. 2. A ticket or share shall not be sold at a price other than that fixed by the authority and a sale shall not be made other than by a retailer or an employee of […]

Section 99G.30A – Monitor vending machine — tax imposed.

99G.30A Monitor vending machine — tax imposed. 1. If revenues are generated from monitor vending machines on or after forty-five days following March 20, 2006, then there shall be a monitor vending machine excise tax imposed on net monitor vending machine revenue receipts at the rate of sixty-five percent. 2. a. The director of revenue […]

Section 99G.31 – Prizes.

99G.31 Prizes. 1. The chief executive officer shall award the designated prize to the holder of the ticket or share upon presentation of the winning ticket or confirmation of a winning share. The prize shall be given to only one person as provided in this section; however, a prize shall be divided between holders of […]

Section 99G.32 – Authority legal representation.

99G.32 Authority legal representation. The authority shall retain the services of legal counsel to advise the authority and the board and to provide representation in legal proceedings. The authority may retain the attorney general or a full-time assistant attorney general in that capacity and provide reimbursement for the cost of advising and representing the board […]

Section 99G.33 – Law enforcement investigations.

99G.33 Law enforcement investigations. The department of public safety, division of criminal investigation, shall be the primary state agency responsible for investigating criminal violations under this chapter. The chief executive officer shall contract with the department of public safety for investigative services, including the employment of special agents and support personnel, and procurement of necessary […]