135M.1 Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to improve the health of low-income Iowans and Iowans who have been victims of a state of disaster emergency proclaimed by the governor pursuant to section 29C.6 or a public health disaster as defined in section 135.140, subsection 6, through a prescription drug donation repository that authorizes […]
135M.2 Definitions. 1. “Anti-rejection drug” means a prescription drug that suppresses the immune system to prevent or reverse rejection of a transplanted organ. 2. “Cancer drug” means a prescription drug that is used to treat any of the following: a. Cancer or the side effects of cancer. b. The side effects of any prescription drug […]
135M.3 Prescription drug donation repository program authorized. 1. The department, in cooperation with the board of pharmacy, may establish and maintain a prescription drug donation repository program under which any person may donate prescription drugs and supplies for use by an individual who meets eligibility criteria specified by the department by rule. The department may […]
135M.4 Prescription drug donation repository program requirements. 1. A prescription drug or supplies may be accepted and dispensed under the prescription drug donation repository program if all of the following conditions are met: a. The prescription drug is in its original sealed and tamper-evident packaging. However, a prescription drug in a single-unit dose or blister […]
135M.5 Exemption from disciplinary action, civil liability, and criminal prosecution. 1. A drug manufacturer acting reasonably and in good faith, is not subject to criminal prosecution or civil liability for injury, death, or loss to a person or property for matters related to the donation, acceptance, or dispensing of a prescription drug manufactured by the […]
135M.6 Sample prescription drugs. This chapter shall not be construed to restrict the use of samples by a physician or other person legally authorized to prescribe drugs under state and federal law during the course of the physician’s or other person’s duties at a medical facility or pharmacy. 2005 Acts, ch 97, §6; 2005 Acts, […]
135M.7 Resale prohibited. This chapter shall not be construed to authorize the resale of prescription drugs by any person. 2005 Acts, ch 97, §7