135P.1 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Adverse health care incident” means an objective and definable outcome arising from or related to patient care that results in the death or physical injury of a patient. 2. “Health care provider” means a physician or osteopathic physician licensed under chapter […]
135P.2 Confidentiality of open discussions. 1. Open discussion communications and offers of compensation made under section 135P.3: a. Do not constitute an admission of liability. b. Are privileged, confidential, and shall not be disclosed. c. Are not admissible as evidence in any subsequent judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceeding and are not subject to discovery, subpoena, […]
135P.3 Engaging in an open discussion. 1. If an adverse health care incident occurs in a health facility, the health care provider, the health facility, or the health care provider jointly with the health facility, may provide the patient with written notice of the desire of the health care provider, the health facility, or of […]
135P.4 Payment and resolution. 1. A payment made to a patient pursuant to section 135P.3 is not a payment resulting from any of the following: a. A written claim or demand for payment. b. A claim for purposes of section 272C.9. c. A claim for purposes of section 505.27. 2. A health care provider or […]