144D.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Advanced registered nurse practitioner” means an advanced registered nurse practitioner licensed pursuant to chapter 152 or 152E. 2. “Department” means the department of public health. 3. “Emergency medical care provider” means emergency medical care provider as defined in section 147A.1. 4. “Health […]
144D.2 Physician orders for scope of treatment (POST) form. 1. The POST form shall be a uniform form based upon the national physician orders for life-sustaining treatment paradigm form. The form shall have all of the following characteristics: a. The form shall include the patient’s name and date of birth. b. The form shall be […]
144D.3 Compliance with POST form. 1. A POST form executed in this state or another state or jurisdiction in compliance with the law of that state or jurisdiction shall be deemed valid and enforceable in this state to the extent the form is consistent with the laws of this state, and may be accepted by […]
144D.4 General provisions. 1. If an individual is a qualified patient as defined in section 144A.2, the individual’s declaration executed under chapter 144A shall control health care decision making for the individual in accordance with chapter 144A. If an individual has not executed a declaration pursuant to chapter 144A, health care decision making relating to […]