157.1 Definitions. For purposes of this chapter: 1. “Board” means the board of cosmetology arts and sciences. 2. “Certified laser product” means a product which is certified by a manufacturer pursuant to the requirements of 21 C.F.R. pt. 1040 and as specified by rule. 3. “Chemical exfoliation” means the removal of surface epidermal cells of […]
157.10 Course of study. 1. The course of study required for licensure for the practice of cosmetology shall be two thousand one hundred clock hours, or seventy semester credit hours or the equivalent thereof as determined pursuant to administrative rule and regulations promulgated by the United States department of education. The clock hours, and equivalent […]
157.11 Salon licenses. 1. A salon shall not operate unless the owner has obtained a license issued by the department. The owner shall apply to the department on forms prescribed by the board. The department may perform a sanitary inspection of each salon biennially and may perform a sanitary inspection of a salon prior to […]
157.12 Supervisors. A person who directly supervises the work of practitioners of cosmetology arts and sciences shall be licensed in the practice supervised or a barber licensed under section 158.3. [C31, 35, §2585-c11; C39, §2585.21; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 77, 79, 81, §157.12] 88 Acts, ch 1110, §2; 92 Acts, ch […]
157.12A Use of laser or light products on minors. A laser hair removal product or device, or intense pulsed light device, shall not be used on a minor unless the minor is accompanied by a parent or guardian and only under the general supervision of a physician. 2004 Acts, ch 1044, §11; 2005 Acts, ch […]
157.13 Violations. 1. It is unlawful for a person to employ an individual to practice cosmetology arts and sciences unless that individual is licensed or has obtained a temporary permit under this chapter. It is unlawful for a licensee to practice with or without compensation in any place other than a licensed salon, a licensed […]
157.14 Rules. The board shall adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A to administer the provisions of this chapter. [C77, 79, 81, §157.14] 89 Acts, ch 3, §1
157.15 Penalty. A person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this chapter or rules adopted pursuant to this chapter is guilty of a serious misdemeanor. [C35, §2522; C39, §2585.24; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 77, 79, 81, §157.15] 92 Acts, ch 1205, §12
157.2 Prohibitions — exceptions. 1. It is unlawful for a person to practice cosmetology arts and sciences with or without compensation unless the person possesses a license issued under section 157.3. However, practices listed in section 157.1 when performed by the following persons are not defined as the practice of cosmetology arts and sciences: a. […]
157.3 License requirements. 1. An applicant who has graduated from high school or its equivalent shall be issued a license to practice any of the cosmetology arts and sciences by the department when the applicant satisfies all of the following: a. Presents to the department a diploma, or similar evidence, issued by a licensed school […]
157.3A License requirements — additional training. In addition to the license requirements of section 157.3, a written application and proof of additional training and certification shall be required prior to approval by the board for the provision of the services described in this section. 1. a. A licensed esthetician, who intends to provide services pursuant […]
157.3B Examination information. Notwithstanding section 147.21, individual pass or fail examination results made available from the authorized national testing agency to the board may be disclosed to the board-approved education program from which the applicant for licensure graduated for purposes of verifying accuracy of national data and reporting aggregate licensure examination results as required for […]
157.4 Temporary permits. 1. The department may issue a temporary permit which allows the applicant to practice in the cosmetology arts and sciences for purposes determined by rule. The board shall determine and state its recommendations and the length of time the temporary permit issued under this subsection is valid. 2. The fee for a […]
157.4A License and government-issued identification — peace officer request. 1. For purposes of this section, unless the context otherwise requires: a. “Government-issued identification” means any of the following: (1) An unexpired driver’s license issued by any state, territory, or district of the United States. (2) An unexpired identification card issued by any state, territory, or […]
157.4B Announcements to the public. 1. For purposes of this section, “announcement to the public” means the use of any print media, broadcast media, subscription internet site, internet site available to the public, or any other means to do any of the following: a. Advertise or market cosmetology services. b. Provide a site for clients […]
157.5 Consent and reporting requirements. 1. A licensed cosmetologist, esthetician, or electrologist who provides services relating to the use of a certified laser product, intense pulsed light device for hair removal, chemical peel, or microdermabrasion, shall obtain a consent in writing prior to the administration of the services. A consent in writing shall create a […]
157.5A Manicurists. Repealed by 2006 Acts, ch 1184, §126 .
157.6 Sanitary rules — practice in the home. The department shall prescribe sanitary rules for salons and schools of cosmetology arts and sciences which shall include the sanitary conditions necessary for the practice of cosmetology arts and sciences and for the prevention of infectious and contagious diseases. Subject to local zoning ordinances, a salon may […]
157.7 Inspectors and clerical assistants. 1. The department of inspections and appeals shall employ personnel pursuant to chapter 8A, subchapter IV, to perform duties related to inspection functions under this chapter. The department of inspections and appeals shall, when possible, integrate inspection efforts under this chapter with inspections conducted under chapter 158. 2. The Iowa […]
157.8 Licensing of schools of cosmetology arts and sciences and instructors. 1. It is unlawful for a school of cosmetology arts and sciences to operate unless the owner has obtained a license issued by the department. The owner shall file a verified application with the department on forms prescribed by the board. 2. a. The […]