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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title IX - LOCAL GOVERNMENT » Chapter 358 - SANITARY DISTRICTS

Section 358.1 – Definitions.

358.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, “book”, “list”, “record”, or “schedule” kept by a county auditor, assessor, treasurer, recorder, sheriff, or other county officer means the county system as defined in section 445.1. 2000 Acts, ch 1148, §1

Section 358.10 – Trustee’s bond.

358.10 Trustee’s bond. Each trustee shall, before entering upon the duties of office, execute a bond payable to the district, with security to be approved by the board of supervisors which had jurisdiction of the petition for establishment of the district, in such form and amount as said board of supervisors may determine, which bond […]

Section 358.11 – Sanitary district to be a body corporate.

358.11 Sanitary district to be a body corporate. 1. Each sanitary district organized under this chapter shall be a body corporate and politic, with the name and style under which it was organized, and by such name and style may sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, acquire and hold real and personal […]

Section 358.12 – Board of trustees — powers.

358.12 Board of trustees — powers. 1. The trustees elected as provided in section 358.9 constitute a board of trustees for the district by which they are elected. The board of trustees is the corporate authority of the sanitary district and shall manage and control the affairs and property of the district. A majority of […]

Section 358.13 – Ordinances — publication or posting — time of taking effect.

358.13 Ordinances — publication or posting — time of taking effect. All ordinances, resolutions, orders, rules, and regulations adopted by the board take effect from and after their adoption and publication. The publication shall be by one publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the district, by posting copies in three public places within […]

Section 358.14 – Proof of ordinances.

358.14 Proof of ordinances. All ordinances, resolutions, orders, rules and regulations, and the date when same became effective, may be proven by the certificate of the clerk, under the seal of the corporation, if one has been adopted, and when printed in book or pamphlet form and purporting to be published by the board of […]

Section 358.15 – Personal interest in contracts.

358.15 Personal interest in contracts. A trustee of such district shall not be directly or indirectly interested in any contract, work, or business of the district, or in the sale of any article the expense, price, or consideration of which is paid by such district; nor in the purchase of any real estate or other […]

Section 358.16 – Power to provide for sewage disposal.

358.16 Power to provide for sewage disposal. 1. a. The board of trustees of any sanitary district organized under this chapter shall have power to provide for the disposal of the sewage thereof, including the sewage and drainage of any city or village within the boundaries of such district; to acquire, lay out, locate, establish, […]

Section 358.17 – Power to acquire and dispose of property.

358.17 Power to acquire and dispose of property. Any sanitary district organized under this chapter may acquire by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, any and all real and personal property, rights-of-way and privileges, either within or without its corporate limits, required for its corporate purposes. Condemnation proceedings shall be conducted in the same manner, as near […]

Section 358.18 – Taxes — power to levy — tax sales.

358.18 Taxes — power to levy — tax sales. 1. The board of trustees of any sanitary district organized under this chapter shall have the power by ordinance to levy annually for the purpose of paying the administrative costs of such district, or for the payment of deficiencies in special assessments, or for both, a […]

Section 358.19 – Records and disbursements.

358.19 Records and disbursements. The clerk of each sanitary district shall keep a record of all the proceedings and actions of the trustees. The treasurer shall receive, collect, and disburse all moneys belonging to the district, and no claim shall be paid or disbursement made until it has been duly audited by the board of […]

Section 358.1A – Incorporation.

358.1A Incorporation. If an area of territory is so situated that the construction, maintenance, and operation of a trunk sewer system and of a plant or plants for the treatment of sewage and the maintenance of one or more outlets for the drainage of it, after having been so treated, will be conducive to the […]

Section 358.1B – Combined water and sanitary district.

358.1B Combined water and sanitary district. 1. The board of supervisors of a county or major part of a county in which a proposed combined water and sanitary district will be located may proceed with the establishment, operation, or dissolution of a combined water and sanitary district as provided in section 357.1B. 2. For the […]

Section 358.2 – Petition — deposit.

358.2 Petition — deposit. 1. Any twenty-five or more eligible electors resident within the limits of any proposed sanitary district may file a petition in the office of the county auditor of the county in which the proposed sanitary district, or the major portion thereof, is located, requesting that there be submitted to the registered […]

Section 358.20 – Rentals and charges.

358.20 Rentals and charges. 1. Any sanitary district may by ordinance establish just and equitable rates, charges, or rentals for the utilities and services furnished by the district to be paid to the district by every person, firm, or corporation whose premises are served by a connection to the utilities and services directly or indirectly. […]

Section 358.21 – Debt limit — borrowing — bonds — purposes.

358.21 Debt limit — borrowing — bonds — purposes. 1. a. Any sanitary district organized under this chapter may borrow money for its corporate purposes, but shall not become indebted in any manner or for any purpose to an amount in the aggregate exceeding five percent on the value of the taxable property within such […]

Section 358.22 – Special assessments and connection fees.

358.22 Special assessments and connection fees. 1. The board of trustees of a sanitary district may provide for payment of all or any portion of the costs of acquiring, locating, laying out, constructing, reconstructing, repairing, changing, enlarging, or extending conduits, ditches, channels, outlets, drains, sewers, laterals, treatment plants, pumping plants, and other necessary adjuncts thereto, […]

Section 358.23 – Appeal to district court.

358.23 Appeal to district court. Any person aggrieved by any proceeding had by the board of supervisors or by the board of trustees as provided in this chapter in relation to any matter involving the person’s rights not included under the provisions of section 358.22 may appeal to the district court of the county in […]

Section 358.24 – Contracts outside of district.

358.24 Contracts outside of district. 1. A sanitary district may enter into contracts with persons or firms outside its limits for the processing of sewage but the rate for processing shall not be less than that charged the inhabitants of the district. 2. A district entering into a contract may lay sewer lines in highways […]

Section 358.25 – Revenue bonds.

358.25 Revenue bonds. Sanitary districts incorporated under this chapter may exercise the powers granted to counties in sections 331.462 through 331.470, to issue revenue bonds for the purposes in section 331.461, subsection 2, paragraphs “b” and “c”. [C35, §6066 – f1, f5, f8; C39, §6066.24, 6066.28 – 6066.32; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, §394.1, […]