364.24 Traffic light synchronization. All cities with more than three traffic lights within the corporate limits shall establish a traffic light synchronization program for energy efficiency in accordance with rules adopted by the state department of transportation pursuant to chapter 17A. 89 Acts, ch 297, §7; 91 Acts, ch 253, §15; 2015 Acts, ch 30, […]
364.25 Retiree health care. A city may provide health or medical insurance coverage or supplemental health or medical insurance coverage to retired employees of the city. A city providing health or medical insurance coverage pursuant to this section may establish such requirements or restrictions concerning the coverage provided as the city may adopt. If coverage […]
364.3 Limitation of powers. The following are limitations upon the powers of a city: 1. A city council shall exercise a power only by the passage of a motion, a resolution, an amendment, or an ordinance. 2. For a violation of an ordinance a city shall not provide a penalty in excess of the maximum […]
364.4 Property and services outside of city — lease-purchase — insurance. A city may: 1. a. Acquire, hold, and dispose of property outside the city in the same manner as within. However, the power of a city to acquire property outside the city does not include the power to acquire property outside the city by […]
364.5 Joint action — Iowa league of cities — penalty. 1. A city or a board established to administer a city utility, in the exercise of any of its powers, may act jointly with any public or private agency as provided in chapter 28E. 2. The financial condition and the transactions of the Iowa league […]
364.6 Procedure. A city shall substantially comply with a procedure established by a state law for exercising a city power. If a procedure is not established by state law, a city may determine its own procedure for exercising the power. [C66, 71, 73, §368.2; C75, 77, 79, 81, §364.6]
364.7 Disposal of property. A city may not dispose of an interest in real property by sale, lease for a term of more than three years, or gift, except in accordance with the following procedure: 1. The council shall set forth its proposal in a resolution and shall publish notice as provided in section 362.3, […]
364.8 Overpasses or underpasses. A city may by ordinance require a railway company operating railway tracks on or across a city street to construct or reconstruct, and maintain, an overpass or underpass to permit the street to pass over or under the tracks, and may establish specifications for the construction or reconstruction of such an […]
364.9 Flood control — railway tracks. A city may require a railway company to provide necessary structures, temporary and permanent, to carry its tracks during and after construction of a diverted channel for flood control purposes, subject to the following: 1. The city shall give notice to the railway company, served in the same manner […]