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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 167 - USE AND DISPOSAL OF DEAD ANIMALS

Section 167.1 – Scope.

167.1 Scope. This chapter shall not apply to licensed slaughterhouses, or to the disposal, by licensed slaughterhouses, of the bodies of animals, or any part thereof, slaughtered for human food. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2744; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §167.1]

Section 167.10

167.10 Repealed by 2004 Acts, ch 1162, §5 . See §167.4.

Section 167.11 – Disposal plants — specifications.

167.11 Disposal plants — specifications. Each place for the carrying on of said business shall, to the satisfaction of the department, be provided with floors constructed of concrete, or some other nonabsorbent material, adequate drainage, be thoroughly sanitary, and adapted to carrying on the business. This section shall not apply where the state building code, […]

Section 167.12 – Disposing of bodies.

167.12 Disposing of bodies. The following requirements shall be observed in the disposal of such bodies: 1. Cooking vats or tanks shall be airtight, except proper escapes for live steam. 2. Steam shall be so disposed of as not to cause unnecessary annoyance or create a nuisance. 3. The skinning and dismembering of bodies shall […]

Section 167.13 – Rules.

167.13 Rules. The department shall make such reasonable rules for the carrying on and conducting of such business as it may deem advisable, and all persons engaging in such business shall comply therewith. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2756; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §167.13]

Section 167.14 – Annual inspection.

167.14 Annual inspection. The department shall inspect each place licensed under this chapter at least once each year, and as often as it deems necessary, and shall see that the licensee conducts the business in conformity to this chapter and the rules made by the department. For a failure or refusal by any licensee to […]

Section 167.15 – Transportation of animals — carcasses, parts, or offal material.

167.15 Transportation of animals — carcasses, parts, or offal material. 1. A person required to be licensed under section 167.4 shall transport a whole or part of an animal carcass or offal material according to requirements adopted by departmental rule. a. The delivery vehicle’s container used for loading and transporting the carcass or offal material […]

Section 167.16 – Driving upon premises of another.

167.16 Driving upon premises of another. Vehicles when loaded with the carcass of an animal which has died of disease shall be driven directly to the place of disposal or transfer, except that the driver in so driving may stop on the highway for other like carcasses, but the driver shall not drive into the […]

Section 167.17 – Disinfecting outfit.

167.17 Disinfecting outfit. The driver or owner of a vehicle used in conveying animals which said driver or owner has reason to believe died of disease, shall, immediately after unloading said animals, cause the bed, box, tank or other container of such vehicle, the wheels thereof, all canvas and covers, the feet of the animals […]

Section 167.18 – Duty to dispose of dead bodies.

167.18 Duty to dispose of dead bodies. 1. A person who has been caring for or who owns an animal that has died shall not allow the carcass to lie about the person’s premises. The carcass shall be disposed of within a reasonable time after death by composting, cooking, burying, or burning, as provided in […]

Section 167.19 – Penalty.

167.19 Penalty. A person who violates this chapter or a rule adopted by the department pursuant to this chapter is guilty of a simple misdemeanor. The person may be subject to a civil penalty of not less than one hundred dollars and not more than one thousand dollars for each violation. However, the state shall […]

Section 167.2 – Disposal of dead animals.

167.2 Disposal of dead animals. No person shall engage in the business of disposing of the bodies of dead animals without first obtaining a license for that purpose from the department. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2745; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §167.2]

Section 167.20 – Appropriation.

167.20 Appropriation. The expense attending the inspection provided for in this chapter shall be paid from any unappropriated funds in the state treasury. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2763; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §167.20]

Section 167.21 – Reciprocal agreements with other states.

167.21 Reciprocal agreements with other states. The department is authorized to enter into reciprocal agreements in behalf of this state with any one or more of the states adjacent to this state, providing for permits to be issued to rendering plants located in either state to transport carcasses to their plants over public highways of […]

Section 167.22 – Chronic wasting disease.

167.22 Chronic wasting disease. 1. As used in this section “chronic wasting disease” means the same as defined in section 170.1. 2. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a person licensed under this chapter shall not transport the carcass of a deer or elk into this state if the carcass originates from an area […]

Section 167.3 – “Disposing” defined.

167.3 “Disposing” defined. 1. A person who receives from any other person the body of any dead animal for the purpose of obtaining the hide, skin, or grease from such animal, in any way whatsoever, or any part thereof, shall be deemed to be engaged in the business of disposing of the bodies of dead […]

Section 167.4 – Licensing procedure — fees.

167.4 Licensing procedure — fees. 1. The following shall apply to a person required to be licensed under this chapter: a. The person shall submit an application for a license to the department in a manner and according to procedures required by the department. b. The person shall include in the application information as required […]

Section 167.5 – Inspection of place.

167.5 Inspection of place. On receipt of such application, the secretary of agriculture or some person appointed by the secretary, shall at once inspect the building in which the applicant proposes to conduct such business. If the inspector finds that said building complies with the requirements of this chapter, and with the rules of the […]

Section 167.6

167.6 Repealed by 2004 Acts, ch 1162, §5 . See §167.4.

Section 167.7 – Record of licenses.

167.7 Record of licenses. The department shall keep a record of all licenses applied for or issued, which shall show the date of application and by whom made, the cause of all rejections, the date of issue, to whom issued, the date of expiration, and the location of the licensed business. [C24, 27, 31, 35, […]