172A.1 Definitions. When used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Agent” means a person engaged in the buying or soliciting in this state of livestock for slaughter exclusively on behalf of a dealer or broker. 2. “Animals” or “livestock” includes cattle, calves, swine, sheep, goats, turkeys, chickens, or horses. 3. “Dealer” or […]
172A.10 Injunctions — criminal penalties. 1. If any person who is required by this chapter to be licensed fails to obtain the required license, or if any person who is required by this chapter to maintain proof of financial responsibility fails to obtain or maintain such proof, or if any licensee fails to discontinue engaging […]
172A.11 Suspension of license. 1. a. The secretary shall have the authority to suspend the license of any dealer or broker or agent if upon hearing it is found that the dealer or broker or agent has committed any of the following acts or omissions: (1) Failure to submit a larger bond amount or trust […]
172A.12 Revocation of license. 1. The secretary shall have the authority to revoke the license of a dealer or broker or agent upon notice and hearing if any of the following conditions exist: a. Grounds exist for the temporary suspension of the license without hearing, and it is established that the person is or will […]
172A.13 Rules. The secretary is authorized to adopt rules pursuant to chapter 17A which are reasonable and necessary for the enforcement of this chapter. [C77, 79, 81, §172A.13]
172A.2 License required. 1. A person shall not act as a dealer or broker without obtaining a license issued by the secretary. A person shall not act for any dealer or broker as an agent unless such dealer or broker is licensed, has designated such agent to act in the dealer’s or broker’s behalf, and […]
172A.3 Application for license. 1. Application for a license as a dealer or broker or as an agent shall be made in writing to the department. The application shall state the nature of the business, the municipal corporation, township and county, the post office address at which the business is to be conducted, and such […]
172A.4 Proof of financial responsibility required. 1. A license shall not be issued by the secretary to a dealer or broker until the applicant has furnished proof of financial responsibility as provided in this section. The proof may be in the following forms: a. (1) A bond of a surety company authorized to do business […]
172A.5 Bonded packers registration. A dealer or broker who has a bond required by the United States department of agriculture under the Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921 as amended, 7 U.S.C. §181 – 231, shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter upon registration with the secretary. Registration shall be effective upon filing […]
172A.6 Low volume dealers exempt from license and bond. 1. The license and financial responsibility provisions of this chapter do not apply to a person who is licensed as provided in chapter 137F who purchases livestock for slaughter valued at less than an average daily value of two thousand five hundred dollars during any period […]
172A.7 Access to records. Every dealer or broker shall during all reasonable times permit an authorized representative of the department to examine all records relating to the business necessary in the enforcement of this chapter. [C73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §172A.7]
172A.8 Reciprocal agreements. The department shall have the power and authority to enter into reciprocal agreements with the authorized representatives of other federal or state jurisdictions for the exchange of information and audit reports on a cooperative basis which may assist the department in the proper administration of this chapter. [C73, 75, 77, 79, 81, […]
172A.9 Payment for livestock. 1. Each dealer, or broker purchasing livestock, before the close of the next business day following either the purchase of livestock or the determination of the amount of the purchase price, whichever is later, shall transmit or deliver to the seller or the seller’s duly authorized agent the full amount of […]