173.1 State fair authority. The Iowa state fair authority is established as a public instrumentality of the state. The authority is not an agency of state government. However, the authority is considered a state agency and its employees state employees for the purposes of chapters 17A, 20, 91B, 97B, 509A, and 669. The authority is […]
173.10 Salary of secretary. The compensation and employment terms of the secretary shall be set by the Iowa state fair board with the approval of the governor, taking into consideration the level of knowledge and experience of the secretary. [S13, §1657-n; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2882; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, […]
173.11 Treasurer. The board shall elect a treasurer who shall hold office for one year, and the treasurer shall: 1. Keep a correct account of the receipts and disbursements of all moneys belonging to the board. 2. Make payments on all warrants signed by the president and secretary from any funds available for such purpose. […]
173.12 Salary of treasurer. Repealed by 2011 Acts, ch 131, §131, 158.
173.13 Executive committee — meetings. The president, vice president, and secretary shall constitute an executive committee, which shall transact such business as may be delegated to it by the board. The president may call meetings of the board or executive committee when the interests of the work require it. [R60, §1104; C73, §1700; C97, §1654; […]
173.14 Functions of the board. The state fair board has the custody and control of the state fairgrounds, including the buildings and equipment on it belonging to the state, and may: 1. Hold an annual fair and exposition on those grounds. All revenue generated by the fair and any interim uses shall be retained solely […]
173.14A General corporate powers of the authority. The authority has all of the general corporate powers needed to carry out its purposes and duties, and to exercise its specific powers including, but not limited to, the power to: 1. Issue its negotiable bonds and notes as provided in this chapter. 2. Sue and be sued […]
173.14B Bonds and notes. 1. The board may issue and sell negotiable revenue bonds of the authority in denominations and amounts as the board deems for the best interests of the fair. However, the board must first submit a list of the purposes ranked by priority and a purpose must be authorized by a constitutional […]
173.15 Management of state fair. The board may delegate the management of the state fair to the executive committee and two or more additional members of the board; and in carrying on such fair it may employ such assistance as may be deemed necessary. [S13, §1657-i; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2887; C46, 50, 54, […]
173.16 Maintenance of state fair. 1. All expenses incurred in maintaining the state fairgrounds and in conducting the annual fair on the state fairgrounds, including the compensation and expenses of the officers, members, and employees of the board, shall be recorded by the secretary and paid from the state fair receipts, unless a specific appropriation […]
173.17 Claims. The board shall prescribe rules for the presentation and payment of claims out of the state fair receipts and other funds of the board and no claim shall be allowed which does not comply therewith. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2889; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, […]
173.18 Warrants. No claim shall be paid by the treasurer except upon a warrant signed by the president and secretary of the board, but this section shall not apply to the payment of state fair premiums. [S13, §1657-o; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2890; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, […]
173.19 Examination of financial affairs. The auditor of state shall annually examine and report to the executive council all financial affairs of the board. [S13, §1657-q; C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2891; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, §173.19] 96 Acts, ch 1028, §3
173.1A Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. “Board” means the Iowa state fair board as provided in section 173.1. 2. “Convention” means the convention held each year, to elect members of the state fair board and conduct other business of the board, as provided in section 173.2. 3. “District […]
173.2 Convention. A convention shall be held at a time and place in Iowa to be designated by the Iowa state fair board each year, to elect members of the state fair board and conduct other business of the board. The board shall give sixty days’ notice of the location of the convention to all […]
173.20 Report. The board shall file each year with the department, at such time as the department may specify, a report containing such information relative to the state fair and exposition and the district and county fairs as the department may require. [C24, 27, 31, 35, 39, §2892; C46, 50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 71, […]
173.21 Annual report to governor. The board shall file with the governor each year by February 15 a report containing the following information relative to the state fair and exposition and the district and county fairs: 1. A complete account of the annual state fair and exposition. 2. The proceedings of the annual state agricultural […]
173.22 Iowa state fair foundation — foundation fund. 1. An Iowa state fair foundation is established under the authority of the Iowa state fair board. 2. A foundation fund is created within the state treasury composed of moneys appropriated or available to and obtained or accepted by the foundation. The foundation fund shall also include […]
173.22A Iowa state fairgrounds trust fund. 1. An Iowa state fairgrounds trust fund is created as an endowment fund under the authority and in the custody of the Iowa state fair board in its capacity as the board of the Iowa state fair foundation. The Iowa state fairgrounds trust fund is not part of the […]
173.23 Lien on property. The board has a prior lien upon the property of any concessionaire, exhibitor, or person, immediately upon the property being brought onto the grounds, to secure existing or future indebtedness. 87 Acts, ch 233, §233