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Home » US Law » 2022 Iowa Code » Title V - AGRICULTURE » Chapter 183A - IOWA PORK PRODUCERS COUNCIL

Section 183A.1 – Definitions.

183A.1 Definitions. As used in this chapter: 1. “Assessment” means an excise tax on the sale of porcine animals as provided in this chapter. 2. “First purchaser” means a person who buys porcine animals from a seller in the first instance. 3. “Iowa pork producers council” or “council” means the body established under section 183A.2. […]

Section 183A.10 – Per diem and expenses.

183A.10 Per diem and expenses. The members of the council shall receive a per diem as specified in section 7E.6 for each day spent on official business of the council, not to exceed six hundred dollars per annum, and their actual necessary expenses, while engaged in council activity. 85 Acts, ch 199, §10; 91 Acts, […]

Section 183A.11 – Audit.

183A.11 Audit. Moneys collected, deposited in the fund, and transferred to the council, as provided in this chapter shall be supervised by a certified public accountant employed by the council using generally accepted accounting principles and shall be subject to audit by the auditor of state. 85 Acts, ch 199, §11; 94 Acts, ch 1146, […]

Section 183A.12 – Examination of books.

183A.12 Examination of books. Persons subject to this chapter and first purchasers shall furnish any information needed to enable the council and secretary to carry out the provisions of this chapter. For the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of any information given to the council or the secretary under this chapter, the secretary may examine […]

Section 183A.12A – Report.

183A.12A Report. The council shall prepare and submit a report summarizing the activities of the council under this chapter each year to the auditor of state and the secretary of agriculture. The report shall show all income, expenses, and other relevant information concerning fees collected and expended under the provisions of this chapter. 94 Acts, […]

Section 183A.13 – Misdemeanors.

183A.13 Misdemeanors. A person who violates or assists in the violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a simple misdemeanor. 85 Acts, ch 199, §13

Section 183A.14 – Influencing legislation.

183A.14 Influencing legislation. Neither council members nor employees of the council shall attempt in any manner to influence legislation affecting any matters pertaining to the council’s activities. No portion of the pork promotion fund shall be used, directly or indirectly, to influence legislation, to support any candidate for public office, or to support any political […]

Section 183A.2 – Iowa pork producers council.

183A.2 Iowa pork producers council. The Iowa pork producers council is created. The council consists of seven members, including two producers from each of three districts of the state designated by the secretary, and one producer from the state at large. The secretary shall appoint these members. The Iowa pork producers association may recommend the […]

Section 183A.3 – Terms.

183A.3 Terms. The voting members of the council shall serve terms of three years, and shall not serve for more than two complete consecutive terms. 85 Acts, ch 199, §3; 86 Acts, ch 1100, §12 Referred to in §183A.9A

Section 183A.4 – Vacancies.

183A.4 Vacancies. A vacancy in the voting membership of the council resulting from death, inability or refusal to serve, or failure to meet the qualifications established in this chapter, shall be filled by the council for the remainder of the unexpired term. If the council fails to fill the vacancy, the secretary shall fill it. […]

Section 183A.5 – Duties, objects, and powers of the council.

183A.5 Duties, objects, and powers of the council. 1. The council shall: a. Aid in the promotion of the pork industry of the state. b. Make an annual report of its proceedings and expenditures to the secretary. c. Elect a chairperson, secretary, and other officers it deems advisable. d. Administer and enforce this chapter, and […]

Section 183A.6 – Assessment.

183A.6 Assessment. 1. The council shall make an assessment of not less than point zero zero two nor more than point zero zero three of the gross sale price of all porcine animals. The assessment shall be point zero zero two five of the gross sale price of porcine animals until consent to an assessment […]

Section 183A.7 – Administration of moneys — appropriation.

183A.7 Administration of moneys — appropriation. 1. Assessments imposed under this chapter paid to and collected by the Iowa pork producers council shall be deposited in the pork promotion fund which is established in the office of the treasurer of state. The department of administrative services shall transfer moneys from the fund to the council […]

Section 183A.8 – Refund of assessment.

183A.8 Refund of assessment. A producer from whom the assessment has been deducted, upon written application filed with the council within thirty days after its collection, shall have that amount refunded by the council. Application forms shall be given by the council to each first purchaser when requested and the first purchaser shall make the […]

Section 183A.9 – Referendum.

183A.9 Referendum. 1. At a time designated by the council within eighteen months after the termination of the collection of assessments under the Pork Promotion Act, the secretary shall conduct an initial referendum under administrative procedures prescribed by the department of agriculture and land stewardship. 2. Upon signing a statement certifying to the secretary that […]

Section 183A.9A – Suspension during national order.

183A.9A Suspension during national order. 1. The terms of all voting members serving on the council on January 31, 1986 terminate at the time provided in subsection 2. 2. On the date of the commencement of the collection of assessments under the Pork Promotion Act, the collection of the assessments under section 183A.6 shall be […]